Top books that have Influenced me.

Besides the Bible. Here are some books that have shaped my thinking:

I. Daring to Dance with God - Jeff Walling.

II. The Peacemaker - Ken Sande.

III. Don't let Jerks get the Best of you.

IV. Preaching that changes lives.

V. They smell like sheep.

VI. The Church in the Bible - Don Dewelt.

VII. Gems of Biblical Doctrine - Denver Sizemore.

VIII. Messy Spirituality - Mike Yaconelli.

IX. Memoirs of Alexander Campbell - Richardson.

X. Seven Habits - Covey.

These are books that I have read again and again and helped me in my ministry.

Honorable mention:

Brothers, we are not professionals.

The book of Hope.

Pastors in Pain.

I think every church leader needs these books in their library.

What ones would you add?


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