
Showing posts from October, 2009

Obadiah 1 - 21

This weekend's sermon focuses on Obadiah. The Tale of 2 Brothers - Edom - Israel. Jacob and Esau and ultimately our struggle with the Spirit and the Flesh. It is Part 4 of our Minor Prophet Series.

My Questions for the Commish of the NHL

I. will the NHL ever allow a 7th Team in Canada? II. Can we have more advance notice what the next Winter Classic would be? Like a year and not just 6mths? III. Considering the love - hate relationship people have of you. (They either love you or hate you) What do you see to improve that image and the image of the NHL overall? (Especially given some of the PR of the NHL in the past. Example: Phoenix, Avery, lockout, No NHL players in Olympics after 2010? The next CBA, NHLPA etc.) Anyways - just some questions I had.

The Wussification of God's People: The 3 Bs.

We, as the Church, sometimes get our focus wrong. Don't worry, it happens. Our focus sometimes ends up on the tools rather than the Toolmaker. Sometimes we focus on 3 Bs in ministry - Buildings, Bodies, and Budgets. Are these 3 Bs bad? No. But if that is the only focus of your ministry, you are missing the point, or rather nothing more than a social club or business rather than focusing on Jesus. You see Buildings can be a tool for leading people to Jesus but shouldn't be the sole focus. Bodies are important as well. Souls are valuable and we are to Go and make disciples. And numbers for numbers' sake doesn't do anyone any good. It is about transformation and helping people be disciples, of well, Jesus. What about the budget? Well the focus doesn't need to be solely on budgets - otherwise you drive yourself crazy. Are we to be good stewards with what God has given us? Sure. The focus isn't on these 3 things but on Jesus. Can these 3Bs help you in focusing on Jes

Amos 3 - Listen to What God Says.

The sermon this week looks at Amos 3 and God calling. God calling. I. Israel. II. Amos. III. Witnesses IV. For Judgment.

Goodbye Flames Hello Mustangs!

My alma mater recently changed logos with the whole name change from RBC Flames to MACU Mustangs!

The Chair - by the Skit guys!

Quit the Whining!

I appreciate so much guys like Doug Fields, Marko and what they have done for Youth Ministry. One of the things I've noticed lately though in both regional and even local church is that there are a lot of whiners out there. We pick on Mr. Mega Church. We pick on Mr. Mega Speaker. And if we don't do that we pick on Mr. small church and ask why aren't you growing? Why don't you have this or that? Or why am I not being feed? What's in it for me? The problem with that statement is it becomes all about YOU rather than about God. I think sometimes the church has alot of whiners in it. Let's grow up and move onto the Spiritual meat! I'm ready - How about you? The church is the Bride of Christ ... my prayer is I treat her that way.

The "O" Knows - The 3 Os in Ministry.

Wanna know what ministry is about? It is about the One Thing. I'm thinking it is about the "O" Factor. (Basically Jesus) But here are 3 Os ... I'm going to try to live by (And no it isn't survivor to Outwit, outlast, outplay my fellow survivors) It is about: I. Outlove. God calls us to love another. Love our enemies. I John reminds us where love comes from. They will know we are Christians by our love. Imagine how the world will view us if we just loved people. Loved sinners, love those different from you, and loved even those that we just can't stand. Too often I hear about the people of the "Church" ("Christians") sling mud on the Bride of Christ. We need to stop this. Taking people from where they are. Listening, caring, being active. Discipleship takes time. II. Out fruit. As a result of our love - people will see our Actions. They will know we are Christian not because of what we are againts, but because of how we live. So often the wo

Incredible Goal by a Nine yr old!

God is God. We are Not. Exploring the book of Joel.

This week as we study the book of Joel, we’re confronted with 2 things. I.Watching the Day of the Lord. II. Expecting the Day of the Lord. Looking forward to preaching through the book of Joel this week.

Ten Stupid Things That Keep Churches from Growing

Just finished reading this book. In fact I really couldn't put it down. I've done about 8 out of the 10 - one of the biggest lessons I'm learning is I can't do it all, and God created me to be me. Great encouragement of a book. The advice of getting a mentor is well worth the price of the book. Probably one of the many reasons I enjoy my monthly Fusion group.

Hosea: The Prophet of a Broken Heart!

So this past Sunday we looked at the book of Hosea (The week before was the Intro to the 12) And basically was three points from Hosea. I. God is Gracious. II. God is Holy. III. God is Love. This upcoming Sunday is on the book of Joel.

The 10 Dumbest Things Christians Do - Mark Attebery: A Review.

So I just finished, Mark Atteberry's book. Here are the 10 moves: Dumb Move #1: Slinging Mud on the Bride of Christ Dumb Move #2: Winning People to the Church Rather Than to the LORD Dumb Move #3: Living Below the Level of Our Beliefs Dumb Move #4: Speaking Above the Level of Our Knowledge Dumb Move #5: Hopping from Church to Church Dumb Move #6: Fighting Among Ourselves Dumb Move #7: Missing Golden Opportunities Dumb Move #8: Settling for Mediocrity Dumb Move #9: Allowing Wolves to Live Among the Sheep Dumb Move #10: Accepting the Unacceptable This book would almost make a great start into a sermon series. I've done some of these moves. I see them in the church. I've cited some. The fact is I've been guilty of Move #1 in my own way of making fun of the church - and all the Jesus Junk that is out there. My focus needs to be on presenting Jesus, not worrying about what this church, or that, or what he or she says but rather what God says. Atteberry cites 2 Chronicles 25:

A Review: Leadership From the Inside out - Kevin Harney

Our Fusion Group (Group of local Church leaders) are reading this book for the month of October as part of our monthly study. Kevin Harney gives some great insight, as church leaders, to examine ourselves in ministry to keep ourselves on task and focus. From our heart, mind, ears, mind, mouth, hands, funny bone to that of being pure. This leadership book is a great insight on how one can be more accountable and encourage and equip leaders to be better leaders. The discussion questions at the back make it ideal for small group ministry as well. One of the disappointing things I felt like one of the chapters spent too little on the dangers of sexual desires and seemed rather rushed to finish the book and might of expounded more. This book is a good start into the role of self examination. There is always room for improvement. I know I need to improve all the time. I'm looking forward to seeing what my peers will discuss the next time we meet and their opinions and self examination in

Blogging Rules, FTC, Reviews and Me!

My friend, Patti Gibbons, has a great post on New FTC Rules for blogging I've been online for over 12 years. Blogging here for over 6yrs. Done tons of Reviews ... Here are some rules I follow: 1. Link Back. Cite the Source. 2. Most reviews I bought the book, myself, rarely are books or product given to me until recently by Thomas Nelson (Which I've done only one review for them: Notes from the Tilt a Whirl and getting ready to do Doug Field's latest book) 3. I have beta tested and helped edited material. (YS had some of the ole Forum Mods test some of the CD rom Ideas library, and Talksheets and I even helped out with Doug Fields' Videos That Teach Vol. 2 - and who said I hated Doug?) 4. Honesty is the best policy. Do I make mistakes? Sure. Do I mean to be mean spirited and not like Jesus? Absolutely not. 5. Know that I blog about life, Jesus, hockey and whatever else. 6. I love people who read my blog but my blog is about me, my ministry, and what God is doing. Sometim

Top 10 Things for Minister Appreciation Month (October)

Top 10 Things you can give for Minister Appreciation Month By Gerrard R. Fess October is Pastor or Clergy or Minister Appreciation Month. The following are some suggestions to help show your leadership that you care. As a fellow minister some of these suggestions were given to me and helped encourage and show that I was valued as a member of the church body. 1. Gift cards – cards from local grocery store, home value places, blockbuster, I-tunes etc. Be creative. I just got one this week from one of our families just to say Thank you for a local Ice Cream place – and plan on taking my family. 2. Groceries. Get what their grocery list is or what they usually buy. Some churches in the South I’m told do what is called a “Pounding” and basically what a pounding is a challenge to fill the cupboards and fridge to the brim with stocks of food. Imagine saving $$$ on groceries. Very practical idea. 3. Free babysitting and complimentary funds for a date night. 4. Money – always works. Sometimes

The 3Ms

The seems to be 3Ms to those serving in Ministry. I. Ministering. Know you are not alone. Ministering to people isn't easy. It is part of the discipleship process. Taking people to where they are, to where they need to be. On the journey. Ministering takes effort, time, and patience. II. Multiplying. It is about making more disciples and better disciples. Does it happen over night? Nope. It is equipping those who have ministered to - to continue to minister to others. They are to be equipped and be discipling others as well. III. Mobilizing. It is about pooling our resources. Seeing what we can use to help others to continually be ministering and multiplying. Giving them hope and encouragement. Imagine if some of our larger churches - helped the smaller - or some of our smaller churches helped each other out? How much more would this benefit the we are in this together and the Kingdom of God is bigger than any one church. I see this as Jesus taught his disciples to minister, they

Here's An Idea For your Ministry: Personalize M&Ms.

Info here Sounds like a great idea! Promote your group!

Can we stop the Blaming?

Recently The Restoration Herald had a great article on "Can we Stop the Bleeding?" on the abuse that happens to ministers and staff alike in a church setting by elders. I do think we need to be aware that there is some of this going on. I was even involved in efforts to help fellow youthworkers who are hurt by the church. (Which is very common but resources are rare for youth workers). There are lots of resources out there for ministers hurt and in pain by the church. I was there. I've been hurt, and probably have hurt the church itself. But can we stop the blaming? Sure it might be someone else's fault, some who does this to you; we need to move on. Forgive. Extend forgiveness as it has been given to us. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. I've heard many a preacher grip and complain about his elders; and even vice versa. The thing to me is we're a team. This is Kingdom mentality. We have alot more at stake than our egos. Let's not blame each other or dwell

onetimeblind - The Stool

Lost and Found Here

Here is a Message I got from Lost and Found ... You can order there CD Here Hey Everybody! Our new CD is Here. You may have received an email from us about Something Different in the past, but the current note is to let you know that our new CD is Here. We had great intentions a couple of years ago to send a note about our last CD Pronto, once it was available, but time passed and it did not seem so urgent after a bit. Now, however, with our new CD Here for you to listen to--and for you to print out the pdfs on the disc with lyrics and chords so you can play the songs yourself--we thought it time to send a note to Everybody. We hope you will get the new CD Here. LOST AND FOUND And, we hope you will come to a concert and request some of the songs after you have heard them. We hope you will print the lyrics and chords and play the songs yourself. Here, finally, is a CD with songs that can be used. Once you hear the songs, you'll see what we mean. Sure, the songs can be just listened