
Showing posts from July, 2014

In Defense of the Small Church.

I love the church. I love the church no matter her size. Sometimes the Small Church takes a hit. I was reading the latest July/August Outreach magazine ....It had a Resource Guide for Small Church America. (Well worth the price of this issue) The Stats and info were a wake up Call. Here is a sample: About 63 Million people of 20.4 percent of the population attend church each Sunday - American Sociological Review The Average Church attracts fewer than 90 adults on a typical weekend. 60% of protestant churches have 100 or fewer adults on a typical weekend. Just 2% of churches attract more than 1 000 adults on a typical weekend - Barna. 90% of congregations have 350 or fewer people. -National Congregations study The Medium U.S. Congregation has just 75 regular participants and an annual budget of $90000. National Congregational Study. Churches of 200 or less are Four times more likely to plant a Daughter Church than churches of 1000 or more. The Pattern continues - the

Minister Evaluation Form Sample


Oak Hill Camp Jr. 2 2014


Judges Chapter 3 Audio Bible KJV

Currently Reading: Overwhelmed by Perry Noble.


Judges Sermon Series

Just started a new sermon series this past Sunday on the introduction to Judges ...Broken people = faithful God. what lessons or series are you currently going through?

Preaching: A Review.

Just finished reading this book by Calvin Miller. question is where was this book when I was in Bible College? A good simple read on brushing up one's preaching skill .... A must book for any minister's library.