I hate David Crowder.
Okay,maybe hate is such a strong word, maybe its
dislike. I have nothing against David Crowder himself; just that so many in
the worship ministry aspect want to attempt to be well like David Crowder or the next Matt Redman or Chris Tomlin of worship ministry. Don't be like David. (Or even like Mike
for that matter). What God is doing through DCB is great. But be who you
are, and God created you to be.
Isn’t worship a daily thing? Isn’t worship about a lifestyle of living and breathing? I’m seeing more Church Worship teams, both youth and adult, trying to impersonate David Crowder. Please … there are only so many songs that can be sung like David Crowder. Sometimes it saddens me to see Lead Worshippers in churches trying to sing, act, and even look like Crowder.
Follow Jesus, not David Crowder. I think that's the way David would liked it.
Pointing all things to God's Glory that we may Love God through all of our actions both in songs and in deeds/ We don't need more David Crowders, Chris Tomlins, or Matt Redmans.I wonder why we look to people like David Crowder, instead of the Rulemaker, that David loves and sings about. Maybe that's the point. Don't let your life be modeled after David Crowder, model your life after the God who Crowder loves. I really don't dislike David Crowder; I've just fallen more in love with the God he serves.
What about you? Caught in the game of trying to impersonate a lead worshipper rather than worshipping the God they sing about? How can you fall back in love with God? Maybe it isn't looking at what others have; but thanking God that He uses all sorts of people to be a part of the Body and Kingdom. (This post inspired from Doug Fields 1.0
and This post
What do you think? Hate Crowder? or Love the God he worships?
I agree, its not about you or me it should be about Jesus. Sometimes chruch leaders and others get it all wrong.
Jesus is the answer. Let's just tell people about Him.
Doug R
I agree, but I would say that the trend you write about isn't confined to worship leaders. Haven't you seen youth pastors trying to imitate the "big names," and senior pastors trying to channel Billy Graham or T.D. Jakes? All are dangerous, and all seem to ignore the fact that God called YOU(along with your strengths and flaws) into the ministry. Good thoughts.
I love David Crowder and Matt Redman. I believe they are writing fresh new anthems for todays church. Do I want to be like them?
I also dont see too many people wanting to look like a 6 foot freaky looking dude with a barely good voice.
I think the problem is that we have too many people who catch on to something "cool" and tru to copy it and then end up just killing it.
I say we do need more David Crowders.
We need more people with fresh ideas and anthems for todays church.
We dont need copy cats but we need fresh voices.
So if you don't really hate him, are you just trying to up your blog traffic? ;-)
I love David Crowder, though I don't care for his music or his look. He never tried to be someone else, and (as far as I know), he never told anyone to try to be like him.
If something is good and someone likes it, and/or it gets a desirable response, why not copy it? How is one to follow Jesus (in this area) when there is little of His music around? This is a specific area within the larger scope of church/worship life. What is the harm? Now if someone gets plastic surgery, has one's vocal chords altered and grows an awkward beard and loses the aprpriate amount of weight to match this dubious icon, then perhaps there may be cause for concern.
Agree. I forgot who it was at the NYWC last weekend but they were talking abut worship and spoke for God when they said, "you spend a lot of time singing my praises, when I all I really need right now is a sandwich."
What a great reminder that worship is far more than just signing songs. Worship is feeding the poor. Worship is acts of justice. Worship is loving people, etc., etc.
Proverbs 6:16-17, "There are six things the Lord hates...a lying tongue..."
You might want to change your catchy title.
I miss ya man!
I agree also, but the problem with it is that others will follow him because he is ''famous''. but if they do, mayb they will learn to follow Jesus through following him
Paul had the same idea, he wanted God's people to follow him, because he was following God. Good point. I don't see a big problem with imitation in worship, as long as the heart is right. We tend to forget that worship isn't words, it's not a song, it's not even in the instruments artists play.. it's what the heart is saying to God. It's when we've received what we don't deserve, that our hearts scream a love anthem to the one who gives Grace (God's riches at Christ's expense). It doesn't matter if it sounds similar. Conversely, as mentioned earlier there is really a healthy amount of impression, anything past that should be taken seriously. That's not to say one should refrain from becoming who God designed them to be in worship, but there could be many reasons for worship imitation, including fun...worship doesn't have to be boring.
In Christ
I love David Crowder's heart for Jesus. What I hate is his la la la la la la la la la la la (you get the picture) being sung in churches as praise to our Almighty God. David is a good songwriter and this strikes me as laziness on his part. Please stop.
So old post but I googled "I hate David Crowder" and found this. Here's my beef with him. Every song sounds like he's trying too hard to express emotions that quite frankly I have no idea if he truly feels them or not but it just sounds so fake to me. I love a number of styles of music but "worship" music has been,for some time now, a churn em out say something from a Psalm and how much you want God to be present and cry as your singing it type mold. Break the mold already and poor your life into your relationship with God then see what comes out naturally - intstead of "we need 3 more for the CD" type songs. UGH.
His voice is nails on a chalkboard
One time he posted a comment that those who don't like praise music aren't ready for heaven yet. So I lost all respect for him and there.
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