
Showing posts from February, 2011

The 18 month Myth

Myth Busters ... So how do we get away from this myth in Youth Ministry? Here’s an article from Group Magazine. It’s at the bottom of the page after 100 Youth Ministry Gems and 10 Things I Wish I’d Known. (Good Stuff). You can click here to read the rest THE 18 MONTH MYTH By Rick Lawrence "Studies indicate that the average youth director lasts only 18 months." So says George Gallup, the granddaddy of Christian pollsters. I’ve heard the same factoid quoted by esteemed youth ministry speakers, authors, academics, and average-Josephine youth leaders hundreds of times. So it’s gotta be true, right? Here’s the trouble: I’ve attempted to trace this now-infamous truism back to a specific source, and I can’t find one anywhere. Gallup doesn’t cite a particular study. Neither does Barna. It’s a ghost vampire not even Buffy can kill. The 18-Month Myth is now part of youth ministry lore. It’s been used over and ov

A Train Wreck about to happen?

Are we, "A Train Wreck about to happen?" By that, I mean how do you have accountability in your life? How is your walk? What struggles are you having? Have you learned to Say "No"? What is one thing you are good at? I'll start with the above. 1. One of which I'm searching for better ways for accountability because the boundaries I currently have - I can get around. 2. It is a process of which I'm not happy. 3. Maintaining balance. 4. I'd like to think so but saying No is hard. 5. I'd say I'm more of a laidback person and sometimes that is hard to be when confrontation is called for. Thoughts? How are you?

Generation iY: A Review.

Generation iY is to Youth Ministry hat Chap Clark's book Hurt was several years ago. Highly recommended reading that my friend Neal told me about ...and I went out and purchased right away. The author, Tim Elmore, gives an intriguing insight to this generation of which I'm a parent of. The author gives insight to how we got here. He gives the different generation comparisons and the struggles of the iY Generation. Tim Elmore doesn't give a doom and gloom message, but rather on of practical insight and ideas to feeding, caring, and empowering the leaders of this generation. pg. 108 "James Baldwin once penned: 'Children have never been very good at listening to their elders, but they never failed to imitate them.'" The author cites the lies we told like: "You can be anything you want."  "Everyone needs to go to college" On pg. 172 the author cites some facts for this Generation: "Never known the world without the internet

Ten Things to know when Starting a Youth Ministry.

1. Get it in writing. Get a contract, job description. Know what is expected of you. 2. Get your office organized. The more organized chaos you have the better you have for administrative and relationship building. 3. Get to know your leaders. Know their giftedness, take them to lunch. Spend time together building a team. The more you support the Church Staff and stand united - the better. 4. Get to know the parents. Know what their expectations are. Get feedback on what they want for their child. Spend time building relationships with the parents (Moreso than even the teens) 5. Build your team. Get to know the sponsors. Slowly build your team. Get to what what they have do in the past, and what you are planning for the future. 6. Get to know your students. Especially your student leaders. Mentor, disciple, impact, have a plan and a purpose for every activity and lesson you do. 7. Don't change a Thing. At least not yet. Evaluate. Spend the first couple of m

Star Trek or Star Wars?

Star Trek or Star Wars ... both have been around during my lifetime. Both have stories to tell of struggles, redemption, good versus evil. So which show would you choose and why? Personally I relate more to Star Trek (Especially the Next Generation - Captain Kirk was just too dorky). I related to Data mostly. Knowing the good I need to do to be good but struggling with what it means to be human. This was asked at a job interview, recently, in an article. So which one do you relate to?

The Market on End Time Views

Seems everyone nowadays has an opinion of the view of Eschatology or the End Times. From the 4 views of interpreting Revelation (Preterist, idealist, historicalist, futurist) to the more than five views of the End Times. I. Pre-millennialism II. Pre-millennial Dispensationalism III. A-millennialism IV. Post-millennialism V. Pan-millennialism. The book, The Four Views of the Millennial comes in Handy - edited by Robert C. Also This Article gives some brief input into the End Times Views. Even our Restoration Founders - Barton W. Stone and Alexander Campbell had differing views (Barton - pre-mill. - Campbell - Post) And then there is the post, pre, mid- tribulation camps within several of the views. I'm more of a pan-millennialist with A-millennium tendencies. (How's that for a mouthful? or rather I'm a Historical-Futurist with Pan-millennial tendencies of A-millennialism of a semi-pelagianism insight though won't label me as such and beat the whole

Snoopy's Theology Book!


Youth Ministry as a Crutch

Wrote this Summer 2006. So I got thinking that there are churches that think Youth Ministry as a Crutch. They use, abuse, and misuse the idea of youth ministry. So here are some things that churches do that use Youth Ministry as a Crutch: 1. They see it as a way to Grow the Church. 2. They see youth ministry as glorified babysitting. 3. More programs, more outings = more fun, games and more of YMCA director. 4. They get what they pay for. So let's pay our youth minister poor, give him no Budget but we expect our church's youth group to be like Willow Creek, Saddleback or any other Mega Church (Insert Name here) 5. Isn't youth ministry just a stepping stone so young ministers can be "REAL" Ministers and get their own "Church" (Notice tongue in cheek) 6. Let's Sell. Fundraise and market Jesus. Afterall it will bring people to our church. 7. We don't want those type of kids. (What type is that anyways?) Just look after our kids.

Reflections from Afar

An old post from 2006 from another blog: Things do differently: 1. I would definitely Pray more. Spend more time in prayer. 2. Delegate more. The better you can inspire and administer things, the better balance to your own life. 3. Have better resources. PDYM, and My First 2yrs in YM weren't written yet. I wish someone told me these things long ago. 4. Take care of my own soul. So often I so busy trying to save the world, I forget to feed myself. 5. Take more retreats. With my family, youth, and feed students. There is nothing like NWYC, CIY, Marriage conventions. 6. Choose wisely. I think some of the ministries I went to, I didn't choose wisely until recently. Or rather they might not of either ... I was (and still am) a goofball. I think it was a learning experience for all my ministries. I do appreciate those churches and the life lessons they gave me. (I might have to write a blog post of those lessons) 7. Leadership is everything. Be a leader.

Don't Buy the Lies ....

So I'm reading Group Magazine's latest issue. Sept/Oct. 2006. And in it is 3 Dirty YM Lies and a Fourth. Here are the lies: 1. YM is a meat grinder that will destroy you. I like How Rob Bell puts it in Velvet Elvis, you can be cynical, and bitter or you can choose to reclaim your innocence. 2. "Do it all myself" is the best way. - UMM ever hear of working yourself to an early grave? 3. Close Relationships are the goal of Youth Ministry. Umm isn't the goal about presenting Jesus? 4. The percentage if young people who are Bible Believing Christians has now dropped to 4%. Funny thing is it is based upon sampling polls from Barna and even the Data from that April 2003 Report is different. I think there is more hope. Here are some more lies (The above 4 were discussed in the issue but I gave them and my opinion) 5. The average Tenure of a Youth Minister is 18months. Where did this come from? I still haven't seen the stats for this.

My Advice For Christian Standard.

I like  the Christian Standard    magazine. It starts with the whole statement: CHRISTIAN STANDARD has been resourcing Christian churches since it was founded in 1866. Now it is the principal magazine connecting these congregations in the farflung, nondenominational fellowship whose congregations are usually known as Christian Churches or Churches of Christ. My prayer is it continues to be a voice for the Restoration Movement and its principles, not so much focused on resourcing,(More so connecting) nor glamour. So here  some things I see can be improved: I.  The current Christian Standard can  almost be mistaken for Christianity Today or some other publication and not so much on the Restoration Movement. Be that voice for the RM. II. There tends to be 2 editors writing. I like their writings and voice, sometimes I wish they write as one voice. III. It tends to be catered to the 5 - 15% of churches in North America rather than the 85% of churches that are 150 or less i

YM Forum posts!

Blog posts this week are from 2004-2007 from an old blog at - Enjoy!

So you want to be published?

Here is some practical Advice

Apples and Oranges

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gimmicks. It is so easy to fall into the Trap - oh, whoa is me (Almost an Elijah whining session 1 Kings 19:10) I dislike Entertainment Youth Ministry. What you win them with is what you have to keep them with. I dislike the comparison game. Why? Because I feel it does disservice to the Kingdom. So why not be ourselves? When students see the cool youth ministry down the road, why not ask them, so what are you doing here? Why not involved. I think comparing churches (And we do it ourselves and as people ..I mean come on many of us compare ourselves to good ole Doug Fields?) is like comparing apples and oranges. Both are fruit. Both are round. Both are very different. Maybe that is what it is about our churches. Both are trying to be the Church. But both come with different contexts and cultures to consider. So the next time you find yourself wandering and wondering how I can be more

Words Can Hurt

Found this quote .... "Words Can Hurt" “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” Whoever made up that childhood phrase may have meant well, but they were misguided. Most physical wounds eventually heal. Words, on the other hand, can leave scars that never go away. Adults forget just how much power their words have with the children in their lives. What may be a meaningless comment to you may be a devastating invalidation to your son or daughter. Remember, once it’s out of your mouth, there’s no retrieving a careless comment, and its impact could last a lifetime. —Paul S. Williams

Why I Read the Restoration Herald.

Some people might be surprised to learn I read the Restoration Herald. I like it. It is a conservative  monthly publication  of The Christian Restoration Association Here are some Reasons I read the Restoration Herald. I. It challenges me. I might disagree with  some things written there, but does allow me to have a different perspective. II. It is very practical. I appreciate one of the current series: Life and Work of the Minister III. It gives History. It looks back of some of the saints that have gone before us, and their role in the Restoration Movement. IV. It is very practical - from the "Here's an Idea you can use" and "Let me illustrate" - it helps makes things practical. V. It has Bible Study lessons from those in the trenches of ministry. When I come across some of the lessons, I'm like I know that person. VI. It defends the Word of God. It gives insight on issues that are in our brotherhood, and points out some disagreements. VI

Issues in Youth Ministry

I wrote this back 5 years ago  for another site and still thinks applies today Here are some of my thoughts of issues in Youth Ministry that needs to change: 1. The role of the youth minister. He is no longer a buddy buddy to students - let him equip students and families. 2. The role of Family. Family is HUGE!! Get their involvement. 3. The role of God. Sure God is said to be central but let's focus on the triune roles of God. 4. Exposing the lies. Let's give Hope to our Students - none of this Battle cries or all students are abandoning the faith. 5. Pride. Don't depend on the youthworker or the church even to Rescue students ... God is still in control. 6. The role of the church. Get away from programs. Be the Church. 7. Comparisons. Recently I asked a fellow youth minister, how many kids do you have now (I haven't seen him in awhile) His response: 35. I was like WOW ... you must of adopted some. His natural response was to compare a

Announcements for feb. 20th.


Reading more Books than Blogs.

I love reading. In fact I have a confession to make. I love FREE reading books. I get my books from several sources: I. I buy them - usually from Border or Barnes & Noble ... Why? Because our local "Christian" bookstore is clueless at times when it comes to ordering books. II. I get them FREE - where? Well: (Thomas Nelson)  I'm also a Top 20 Viral Blogger for The OOZE. and sometimes publishers send free copies to Church Leaders (Like Zondervan's The Story) There are also other places like Blogging for books, or knowing authors who are making their books available for free. Of course I've been featured as an Author on YS' site. A leader is a reader. So what are you reading? (And when I do reviews I usually cite where I got the book unless I bought it myself). Guy Kawasaki sent me his book Enchantment FREE to review ... And I'm also reading (Bought from a recommendation from my friend, Neal Alligood) Generaion iY by Tim Elmore

The Youth Minister Search Committee Process

Our Search committee has been working hard at several aspects in a search for our next staff member. I know several churches that begin this - don't have a clue where to begin, or how to go about it. One of the things we have already done is have a profile of the church, our job description and expectations of the person we hire. We have looked into where we would post our AD, and now am looking at what our Ad looks like and the process as a whole: Here is what we have so far: (One of the biggest reasons for our skype interview is two fold: 1. The cost of bringing someone in, and their family 2. The interaction between them and us and in reading body language etc. We have had several candidates in the past where it seemed like if we just did the skype interview - we probably would of saved money, time and energy - it seemed like they just wanted the Free Vacation.  Review resumes o Like candidate – send questionnaire o Dislike candidate – send a polite, no thank

The Hole in Our Gospel

Just finished reading this book. All I can say is WOW!! Richard Stearns, The CEO of World Vision gives the basic question of "what does God expect of us?" An easy question to ask, the answer though convicts, humbles, and even shows how blessed we are where we live. We are called to a higher level of discipleship to make a move to share the resources to help others who are hurting. In a nutshell, this book, challenges you to be Jesus' hands and feet to the world. I'm still thinking, processing, and going over this book.

Kid's Creed


Worship ...

Saw this in our Library.

scout sunday 2011 0001


Feb 13 2011 Announcements


Heritage Classic 2011

 Looking forward to the Heritage Classic 2011 on Feb. 11 More info found Here

Gospel Light's SonSurf Beach Bash VBS 2011


Getting together a Search Committee.

One of the things for our next staff position is getting the committee together. Here is a general makeup of our current committee I. A seasoned principal, Father, leader. He is helping to chair the committee. II. A professional business woman and mother of 2. She, also, teaches in our children's ministry. III. A married young man. He is a new father, and one of our Teen Youth Sponsors. IV. A Church leader, former elder, grandpa and has a lot of wisdom and discernment. V. Myself - the lead minister of the Church. We have gone over our job description, expectations and have a profile of the church. We're taking small steps to get an AD and how to market. We have even discussed the process and what it looks like. To say I'm excited would be an understatement.  We don't know who God has in store for us ... but if you can pray. It make take some time ...but at least we're starting in the right direction.

When Looking for a New Ministry

I wrote this for a youth ministry blog  several years ago  ... going to post some of my favourite posts in the next few days from that blog ...this is from 2006: For those of you who are currently looking for a new ministry remember a few things. 1. Interview the Church thoroughly. 2. If a church acts like its a privilege just to grace their pulpit, then walk away. 3. If you feel like your getting the 3rd degree then walk away. 4. If they will not give you a copy of the past 3 years budgets, then don't even go to the interview. 5. If they act a little skiddish when talking about pay, then pay attention to that. 6. Ask them what an acceptable yearly increase should be. 7. Make sure they completely define your role before you walk in the door. 8. Ask if any 1 person runs the church and then watch everyones body language very carefully. 9. Ask every leader who interviews you what they exactly do in the church. This will allow you to see how motivated they really

Journey Through Acts

Each day in the month of February - we are reading a chapter in the book of Acts. Every day I send out an email, blog post (On the Church blog), facebook, and RSS feed reminder and ask questions on the passage. We are encouraging the whole church to do this. Trying to get people into the Word of God. The blog is found Here We gave out the following as a reminder as well, along with a paper insert as a Checklist to read through Acts as well. It isn't too late to start reading God's Word.

Books I'm Currently Reading:




The Future of the Church

My Friend, Marko, is doing a series of blogs and inputs on the The Future of Youth Ministry Part 5 is powerful. This quote from Kenda Dean speaks volumes! "Kenda Dean Teenagers know, better than we do, that when we ask them to be Christians, we are asking them to do a very dangerous thing. The only way out is to adopt a “safe” version of Christianity (which might not be Christian at all) that helps them become good, nice people instead of people who love others sacrificially. But as we know, good and nice “Christianity” seldom lasts past high school, since teenagers quickly learn that people can be perfectly good and nice without Jesus anywhere in the picture. So I think in the future, youth ministry will try to re-weird-ify Christianity, highlighting Jesus’ radical actions and peculiar self-giving love, in an effort to resist the American church’s habit of trying to tame the gospel into a middle class bedtime story. If Christianity is dangerous, then we need to act lik

My Recipe for Canadian Goulash!

I did this recipe (Noticed misspelled name) for a Church cookbook several years ago and thought to share with you. Basically it is macaroni and cheese and hotdogs ...but the explaining of it is so worth it. Have fun cooking.