
Showing posts from March, 2005
Ever feel like someone is watching you? Too often I get that feeling. Expectations. Do this, or do that. Be a role model. Be this, or like that youth pastor; or we get into the comparing game. Here is out it goes (Sounds almost like Middle school days) So how big is your group? How many did you have on Sunday? Did you know that Mega Youth Pastor is publishing this? Do you know this Minor Christian Celebrity? Yeah, sure. Personally, I like the words of Spurgeon to one of his students "You have a big enough group to give an accounting for on the day of judgment" Thus I hope God is watching me and is smiling and not all these people wanting to compare oranges (My ministry) to apples (Their ministry).
Here is a message I wrote responding to one of the Hot buttons in Youth Ministry and for youth pastors email serve. Hey Gang, Let me chime in here. First of all - This issue is one of the hot buttons of the day. Secondly, sure the rapport and rhetoric I've been hearing are buzz words. Let's stay on the issue. Is homosexuality sinful? (That depends on your theology doesn't it?) The are lots of analogies. Is it the worse sin? Why do people get upset about this issue? I think because they see it as threatening them. I've heard it said there are no other sins paraded around like this one. Umm read the news, watch TV? (I mean lying, gossip, and that is paraded as the norm on TV including divorce and adultery) Yeah but this one doesn't have a church claiming this lifestyle as being right. Umm really? Our churches are full of liars, thieves, gossipers, and those who deceive or don't present the truth and teach only what tickling ears want to hear! So why is this