
Showing posts from June, 2011

Hockey Fight of the 2010-11 Season!


Isn't it Strange?

Came across this material (not original with me) ... and thought to share ... Isn't it strange how a 20 dollar bill seems like such a large amount when you donate it to church, but such a small amount when you go shopping Isn't it strange how 2 hours seem so long when you're at church, and how short they seem when you're watching a good movie? Isn't it strange that you can't find a word to say when you're praying but.. you have no trouble thinking what to talk about with a friend? Isn't it strange how difficult and boring it is to read one chapter of the Bible but how easy it is to read 100 pages of a popular novel? Isn't it strange how everyone wants front-row-tickets to concerts or games but they do whatever is possible to sit at the last row in Church? Isn't it strange how we need to know about an event for Church 2-3 weeks before the day so we can include it in our agenda, but we can adjust it for other events in the last minu

Why Not Slow Down?

Why I like Gospel Light's VBS

There are several reasons to like a certain publisher. I've been using Gospel Light for several years. Here are some reasons I like Gospel Light for our VBS: I. They keep it simple. II. They don't want to sell you all their products. (some publishers want you or have you ordering all their materials and you have to fork out lots of $$$ to do a VBS week) III. It is reproducible - from lessons to the music ...(Want to give away CDs without buying a bunch can ...) Want to post the music in your videos, online etc ... IV. The themes are easy to reproduce - from a beach theme to Country Fair to a Bible times theme .... V. They give you the suggestions where to get other materials. (Would another publisher suggest using Oriental Trading rather than their materials for crafts?)

VBS 2011 Evaluation.

I think our VBS was awesome. I'm still recovering, as I'm sure some are. Here are some things I've been thinking about our VBS. I. God did some amazing things .... II. There was a lot of teamwork and different people, groups working together to pull it off. III. I wish I had more time to plan my lessons. (I was a last minute VBS teen teacher - so could of put more effort into it) IV. I wish it was shorter. The week seemed rather long ... and by the end of it ...we could tell our workers were tired but enjoyed it. V. I would have a Nurse on the VBS team. (Though no injuries and one young man was sent to the ER and had his appendix removed - it might be a good idea to have a medical person on hand) VI. Our take-home gifts didn't come in ... next year we need to start planning now .... on what the take home will be and follow-up. It wasn't any one person's fault just that the items were on back order and then had to be specially made .... The Gr

Single Mothers, Crisis Pregnancy Centers and You.

Single mothers. Teen Moms. Kids born outside of marriage. How is the Church to respond? Offer forgiveness, grace and resources. Balance it with how Jesus did. Sex is intended for marriage. Sex is a good thing. We talk about it as if it is Evil; but it is what God created. There is a whole ministry out there for those young women who are struggling as single parents. They need to know they are not alone. The Church is there. God is there in the midst of brokeness. In my current ministry we have a local Hagerstown Area Pregnancy Center and I've been fortunate enough to know some of the staff and board there. We respond as we would anyone - with compassion, grace, forgiveness and mercy. This past Sunday we had a young woman who is expecting twins - come forward asking for prayer ... to get rid of the rumors, and any gossip and be a support system to the family in the midst of expecting new children. May we, as the church, be Jesus' hands and feet ... What is your church d

The Church's Reaction to Sin is EVERYTHING.

How a church responds to sinfulness can Make or Break a Church. We need to call sin; well sin. Don't shy away from it. Tough love. Trust. Giving Grace and forgiveness. Using discernment. One of Jesus' first messages was "Repent ...for the kingdom of heaven is near." (Matt. 4:17) Of course people cite "Judge not, lest ye be judged"(Matt.7:1) but forget context ... it talks about taking care of yourself first, then helping your brother out. Elsewhere we are told in James, (James 5:19-20) "that if anyone should wander from the truth and someone bring him back, remember this: Whoever turns a sinner from the error of his way will save him from death and cover over a multitude of sins." And that ultimately we're to judging the angels (1 Cor. 6:3). Elders are called to shepherd the flock and take care of the sheep. What does this have to do with dealing with sin and the church's reaction? When a sin happens (Whether immorality or lying etc

Announcements for this Sunday....


Scenes from our VBS week 2011


My Friend Lives on

Its been over 6 mths since my friend, passed away. I have many fond memories of this young Christian putting a lot of us to shame. In her 40s and yet had so much more to life. God was in control. And my friend, Evelyn let us know that. It was weird and yet respectful at this year's Relay for Life. A Brick was made in memory of Evelyn. I had a chance to take some pictures and even lay the brick along the memorial that was there for all those that lost their lives due to cancer. It would of been 2yrs (June 27) had my friend and her fiancee got married (They asked me to perform the ceremony but later postponed it due to her illness). Evelyn taught a lot of us about life; but most importantly to depend on Jesus. I was just honoured that she called me a friend. I miss my friend. But do know the impact of Jesus she had on others. In that she lives on.

Heaven is for Real ... And so is Hell.

I just finished reading the book "Heaven is for Real" a tale of a boy that during one of his surgeries had an out of body experience and supposedly went to heaven. Whether or not this is true ... it leaves one intrigued. The book itself just gives a history of the Burpo family and what lead to this Church leader's son at the age of 4 of them believing he went to heaven. From describing past events - the boy, Colton, never knew about and some of his strange sayings and behaviour. Colton doesn't tell us anything new that we didn't know already that isn't in the Bible. What happens though, much like other books, (The Shack, Left Behind) is people get so caught up in this writing (The reading level is probably late elementary school with mostly dialogue) that they forget that alot of this is found in God's Word. They (People caught up in the fads of books like Heaven is for Real, The shack) almost put this on par as God's Word as if it were the gospel.

Benevolence: Being Jesus' Hands and Feet.

I know this may surprise you .... but the church isn't made of money. Sure God owns everything. We are to be good stewards of what God has entrusted us with. At the congregation I serve - we help with basic needs: Food and clothes. We never give out money. We partner with organizations in our community as well. We consider scriptures such as 1 Timothy 5:4-10 (Families taking care of each other) and Matthew 25:31-46. We try to help our community. One thing is we get calls regularly for help with utilities, mortgage, gas ... and we ask several questions ... and usually they hang up ...knowing we don't give them directly money. The other thing we recognize is that doing benevolent work isn't going to have people that you help come to your church. (You would think it would be so ...but 99.9% of the time it is not) What benevolence does it helps those that are outside the church see that you are helping others and they want to be a part of a church that is doing somethi

The Focus of the Church.

Seems the church's focus sometimes can be on the 3Bs - Buildings, Budgets and Bodies. I know ... because I've done it. I mentioned this recently - we talk about the tools God has given us ... the improvements of our building, playground, carpet etc. Why? Because it is new, refreshing ... some would even say "Sacred." We need to be respectful of the sacrifices people have made so that we can have these tools. (Though we have transitioned in our vocabulary from "Sanctuary" (We are God's sanctuary) to that of auditorium) It is good to have the tools, but the focus isn't on the tools. We are to be about people. We are to discover the difference. We are to be about transformation. How God's Story - impacts His people. How God changes lives. Thus, we are to be telling people's stories. How Jesus changes everything about them. The Church is to be about "GO ...." Going therefore to make disciples .... Matt. 28:16-20) Going to th

Who is to Blame? The Schools or the Church?

Seems there is a debate on Christian Colleges and Universities not putting out enough church leaders. We need more preachers, more youth ministers is the Cry. But who is to blame? Or is there one? With the Just One Challenge There remains some interesting facts: 1. Every month over 1500 church leaders leave the ministry. 2. The US is the fourth largest mission field in the world. 3.Each year 3,500 churches in America close their doors. That just from this Site So our churches are complaining - "well 'schools' aren't putting out enough church leaders." Where are the preachers, the youth ministers, the children's directors? The schools response is : "Well, where are the students that you are sending our way so that they may be trained?" A very good question. Not everyone is called to full time Christian service. Not everyone can serve in that vocation ... but can serve in other venues. As I've always said ... "We need m

June 12 Events

Highlights from this past Sunday!!

Top Reasons to be Learning God's Word

I. It helps provide connections with others on the journey as well. Usually we call this fellowship. II. Begins with a willingness to be in God's Word. III. Helps others to be life long learners on this Journey. IV. Encourages you to be faithful; and put into action what you are learning from the Scriptures. V. It is for all ages. VI. Helps in the life long spiritual formation that you can pass on to other generations. VII. Simplicity of the Word - helps one to recognize its main theme: God's story - interacting with us in a variety of settings. VIII. Helps us point to Jesus. The author and perfector of our Faith. 

Things Outdoor

Things Outdoor is where we recently got our playground equipment for our church facility. After a month, no complaints. The thing with playgrounds is several questions: 1. Is it safe? 2.How long will the equipment last? 3. Will the kids like it? So far it has been a good thing for our children's ministry here.

Rent An Elder

Ever "Rent" something? This past Sunday we played "Rent an elders" A sister church(Ringgold Church of Christ) decided to help us out with our lack of elders to send some of their elders over to us for an anointing of oil service (Based on James 5). My biggest thing is to know that the Kingdom of God is bigger than any one congregation. It was a powerful moment. When was the last time your church worked with another? How are you proclaiming that we're Christians only, but not the only Christians?

God created Children (and in the process Grandchildren)

We had a portion of the following article in one of our publications recently ...thought to share: (Don't know where it originates) To those of us who have children in our lives, whether they are our own, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, or is something to make you chuckle. Whenever your children are out of control, you can take comfort from the thought that even God's omnipotence did not extend to His own children. After creating heaven and earth, God created Adam and Eve. And the first thing he said was "DON'T!" "Don't what?" Adam replied. "Don't eat the forbidden fruit." God said. "Forbidden fruit? We have forbidden fruit? Hey Eve..we have forbidden fruit!!!!!" "No Way!" "Yes way!" "Do NOT eat the fruit!" said God. "Why" "Because I am your Father and I said so!" God replied, wondering why He hadn't stopped creation after making th

O Cicada

Cicadas are very interesting insects. Nicknamed "Tree Locusts" though no relation. After 13 yrs underground they emerge as adults and the males make a loud noise. I haven't recently paid attention to what a cicada was until my recent trip to Virginia - in which my friends' home had their loud noise and you can see them and hummingbirds about their yard. It was a very fascinating thing - to hear and see - in which you don't get to see them but every 13 (or some 17yrs) What type of animal or insect did you last find fascinating?

Announcements for this Sunday


My Office Furniture History.

I have two pieces of furniture from the old Washington County Hospital (The facility is no more - the new facility is called Meritus). The first one is an ole table that served as a platform for the Chapel for the Bible and candles ... the other is an old podium (Pulpit) from Pangborn Hall. It was donated in the memory of Carl H. Brandt. (1888-1941) So I did alittle history and found out there was a Brandt Furniture factory founded in 1901 ...(at one time had several hundred people employed there) Now serves as offices for a lawyer (Groh) and the rest remains empty. I'm told Carl's father founded Brandt.

Ministering in the midst of a Fire.

I woke up this morning with news that a home around our church was burnt to the ground. Article One of the church family gave me a call and told me. I stopped by this morning ... talked with the family and basically told them two things: 1. We're praying for them. Which we are. 2. If they need anything - let us know. (Our church tries to bend backwards to be Jesus' hands and feet. (We're not always perfect at it but am trying to be Jesus to others.) My heart breaks when people are in the midst of tragedy ... and the media circus focuses on politics, or someone's disgrace .... (Let's not even talk about Mr. Hotdog) and we forget things like Haiti, Alabama, Joplin, floods, earthquakes in Japan ...and get on with life as normal. We have a hurting world out there ... We, as Christians, need to offer people Hope. My prayer is we did that today to a local family.

Mt. Vernon Trip

So Yesterday I went to with Tri State Christian Service Camp and the It was very interesting to learn about and all the things there. What impressed me the most was not Washington's estate but the beauty and majesty that was around it ... created by OUR Creator. I got to see bald eagles in the wild ... and even at home got to see 2 deer in the field. I'm amazed by the Awesomeness of our God.

There is a Fountain - William Cowper

Was reading about the hymn writer, William Cowper (1731-1800) and how one story told of him hailing a horse-driven cab and asked to be taken to the Thames River, but the city of London was blanketed with such a thick fog that the driver lost his way. At last, Cowper leaped impatiently from the buggy determined to find his own way to his watery grave. He had discovered he landed back at his own doorstep. Thanking the Lord that He sent the fog over London, which prevented him from committing suicide. Reading about Cowper's life reminded me that God loves Everyone ... and sent His Son for even me.

Top 10 Reasons to Visit our Church.

I. We don't pretend to know it all or have it all together. II. We are honestly trying to be Jesus' Hands and Feet. III. We teach what the Bible teaches. If it isn't in the Word - tell us. IV. We're learning from our Mistakes. V. We're focusing on God, and know it isn't all about us, but about Him. VI. We try to present Spirit driven Worship services. VII. We love each other. We're Family. VIII. We take people from where they are. Not that we stay that way where we all NEED to be. IX. We know that God is the God of Abraham, Isaac ... and you. And is still active today. Afterall, He gave Jesus for You and for Me! X. In All things - We're Trying to "Go ...." Go love God, love people, and go love the World .... if you want to go with us on the Journey - You are Welcomed to visit anytime.

Top 10 Why Church and Politics sometimes don't Mix!!

I. Only ONE gives Hope. II. Only one has REAL Change. III. No voting in Heaven. God has the final say. IV. Focus should be on God. In politics, you're interests are divided and appeasing people. V. Egos - Pride. VI. Manipulation not allowed. VII. We are powerless. Where we are weak, then HE is strong. Politics tend to be about power VIII. Focus tends to be on self rather than Christ. (See Number 4 and 5) IX. Our History is everything in politics. In Church - it is about God's History and Grace that matters - we can't earn it. X. All About HIM .... from our prayers, lifestyle ... we're to be about loving God and loving others ...

Top 10 Reasons Not to Visit our Church!

You don't want to visit our church if you are expecting: I. A great orator. II. Rock N Roll Band. III. The latest and greatest sermons. IV. Sinless sermons. We preach the Word of God. V. A One Hour Service. VI. Spiritless. VII. If you don't want to change. VIII. You don't like Hugs. IX. You don't like to Eat. We are people who love food and fellowship. X. You don't want to serve. Our people are trying to be the Hands and Feet of Jesus. We want to learn, worship, and serve and Be THE CHURCH all the time. What reasons have people given you not to visit?

Top 10 on Why Baptism?

Why should one be baptized or immersed into Christ? Why Baptism? With some great articles lately from the Restoration Herald and the http://christianstandard.c om/2011/05/a-biblical-resp onse-to-the-gospel/ ">Christian Standard I would just like to add why Baptism? I. It is part of the Plan. Mark 16:16 II. It is for the remission of sins. Acts 2:38 III. It is where your sins are washed away. Romans 6. IV. It is a Glorious Event. Matt.28:19-20 V. Part of the Death, burial, and Resurrection of Jesus. Romans 6: 3-4 VI. Pledge 1 Peter 3:21 VII. Conversion Acts 8:34-39 VIII. New Birth John 3:3-5 IX. Commanded to do it. Matt. 28:19-20 X. Where one puts on Jesus. Gal. 3:27 I was 12 years old when I was baptized into Christ for the washing away of my sins ..because I knew I had a sin problem. My preacher, Terry Tanner, at the time shared with me about Jesus and that's when I started my walk. So what's your story? When did you get baptized?

Announcements for June 5, 2011


Summer Sermon Series 2011

Starts June 12

21 Days of Prayer

We want to call you to be faithful in prayer (Romans 12:12) Day 1, June 5 Pray for our leaders. 1 Tim. 2:1-4 Day 2, June 6 Pray for your spiritual development. Col. 4:2 Day 3, June 7 Pray For Our Church Family. Jer.29:11 Day 4, June 8 Pray for our Church Leaders. Jer. 3:15 Day 5, June 9 Pray for our Young people 1 Tim.4:12 Day 6, June 10 Pray For Linda and Sandy Rom. 16:1 who work in the office. Day 7 June 11, Pray for our Mission Efforts. Matt.28:19 Day 8, June 12 Pray for opportunities to encourage one another. 1 Thess. 5:11 Day 9, June 13 Pray For our shut ins. Matt. 25:36 Day 10, June 14 Pray for Clothes Closet N Food Pantry Matt.25: 35-40 Day 11, June 15 Pray for our parents. Eph. 6:1 Day 12, June 16 Pray for our widows and widowers. Matt.11:28 Day 13, June 17 Pray for our Van ministry. Ps. 122:1 Day 14, June 18 Pray for Tri State Camp Luke 2:52 Day 15, June 19 Pray for the Scouts Luke 2:52 Day 16, June 20 Pray for the start of our VBS Matt. 19:14 Day