
Showing posts from September, 2021

Thoughts to Live By

  Thoughts to Live By: 1.      Life is not fair. No one ever said it was. 2.      Everyone does not have the same talents and gifts. 3.      We are not all equal, but we are all important. 4.      Those who enjoy life have learned to let life work for them. 5.      Character is more important than position. 6.      True friendship is of great value. 7.      Happy people are the best workers. 8.      Negative thinking is stinking thinking. 9.      Happy people tend to live longer than unhappy. 10.                         Money is a poor measuring rod of the worth of a person. 11.                         Those who go the extra mile usually have a smile. 12.                           A good friend is worth all the money in the banks. 13.                         Life becomes easier when we learn we only have one life to live, 14.                         Those who live right leave a good trial for the next generation to follow. 15.                           Att