Sermon Series Rational

So I do a  Sermon Series. People say to have a short series: Usually 4-6 weeks. I do longer. Why? Because of the material I go through. Also the series may relate but each sermon is different and application is different. I try to do mostly Expository
Exhaustive series. Why? Because it helps expound on what is going on in scripture and give the context.

Here is some of the series I have taught:

The Spiritual Disciplines
Renewal Plan (On the Church and its Leaders)
When Polar Bears Attack (Conflict Resolution)
10 Dumbest Things Christians Do.

Here is some of the Bible Sermon Series I have done:

Be Diligent: Study of Mark.
A study in the book of Galatians.
The Gospel of John
The 12. (Minor Prophets)
Wii the Church. A study in 1 Corinthians.

My Thought is for each year to go through an Epistle,an OT book, a topical series and a Gospel.

This next year I have: Hebrews, Judges and Luke. (As well as a series on Serving) I'm also looking to incorporating some of my Wednesday night studies for certain books as well. (James and Psalms)

If the Lord wills, also looking to do: Isaiah, Colossians and Matthew in 2012.

My aim is to get God's people into God's Word. We also have reading plans for each quarter. In February we're having 28 Days through the book of Acts. Then in April having the Passion Week Readings. We're also planning on for September, and another for December (Advent readings).

This plan looks to go verse by verse through God's Word in sermon series in less than 10 yrs.

Now all of this said - there is value in being in God's Word. Hopefully people's lives are transformed by the Word of God that they may be the Hands and Feet of Jesus, and not just say - Oh, that was a nice sermon, or nice little reading and do nothing about it.


So what does your Church do? Do they have a reason for their Sermon Series?

If so Do you know what it is?

What are you reading?

What do you think of the rational of a sermon series? Should a preacher plan so far in advance or does some discount the Holy Spirit?

Other Thoughts?

By doing this so far - our Church in my less than 3yrs here has already been through over 25% of the Bible.


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