A Sermon Series Idea: What would God say to (Insert Person's Name)

So I've been thinking about a Sermon Series on what would God say to (Blank)

Here is an example:

What would God say to President Barak Obama? (Romans 13 Church & Government)

What would God say to Tiger Woods? (Purity and Marriage)

What would God say to Oprah? (Advice - Proverbs)

What would God say to Taylor Swift? (The use of music and Worship)or Susan Boyle?

What would God say to Donald Trump? (Money Management)

What would God say to Simon Cowell? (The book of James and the Tongue)

What would God say to Jack Bauer? (A look into the life of David and His Men)

What would God say to the latest Survivor or Reality Show winner?
(The idea of compassion, justice -looking after those less fortunate rather than just #1)

What would God say to You? (Following Jesus everyday)

Other suggestions?


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