Top 10 Ministry Moments of 2009.

10. Doing a Funeral for a young man who committed suicide. One of the hardest moments to do but also gave opportunity to be the hands and feet of Jesus.

9. Pinewood Derby. We had the opportunity to race and have fun and have tons of children and their families at our church. I got to build several cars with my own kids. It was fun and a great opportunity.

8. Our leaders helping out with several policies. Over a period of time we came up with a benevolent, building, and events planning procedures. Helped us refine in what we are doing to keeping the Main thing the main thing.

7. Replacing our roof. We had some damage to our roof of our facility. We need the funds to replace the full thing and God provided. We even had over a dozen guys help put the shingles on the roof to make it easier for the crew to go to work.

6. Digital Sign. We had a few people donate to have a digital sign to communicate events, calendar etc. in our foyer. A great opportunity and tool to use. We even had other ministries come look at it to use in their context.

5. The Clinical Pastoral Visitation Program. This past Spring I got to go through a tough course of CPV at Western Maryland Hospital and what it means to be a chaplain. Currently as a result of this program I'm considered a Chaplain Associate. I get to go in as a volunteer chaplain at Western Maryland and help out. Great opportunity to serve.

4. Tri-state Christian Service Camp. A week of camp never gets old. I loved getting to teach and speak at campfire. I still pray for the students' lives we touched.

3. Fusion. Our local preachers' meeting. Each month we meet, discuss a book and pray for each other. It goes beyond the whole "So how big is your church mentality?" to that of Kingdom work and genuine concern for one another.

2. My Church Family. I still get thinking about such things as the great VBS, the summer small group meetings, the Fall Harvest party and campout, Easter Egg Hunt, and even getting to reach out through Relay for Life. We have people behind the scenes with our clothes closet, food pantry, Christmas, Easter programs and the daily activities and staff. Such an honour. Pouring life into people is worth it but isn't easy. I think of the lost loved ones as well of funerals I've helped: Harry Gouff, A. Shrader, P Renner, J. Ammons and Lee Rephann. Two of which were WWII vets. I probably have the finest and greatest group of people to work with. From staff to volunteers.

1. People coming to the Lord. We had over 11 baptisms. Several I had the opportunity and honor of having others do them. It was great seeing a father baptize his daughter. A Grandfather baptize his great grand daughter. A 85 yr old man to be baptized in the Lord and then a few weeks later to be with the Lord.

It has been a tough year. People's jobs lost, some people left our congregation, differences of opinion. God has done some great things in 2009. All I can ask is do it again, Lord. Do even mightier things in 2010 - that all we can say "It was God working and to Him be the Glory."


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