The Process of the Ministry Search. 10 Tips.

One of the sites I like (Even if says youth ministry the principles apply to ministry as well) is Youth Ministry Pro
From the getting a job to helpful hints to how some hire is well worth it.

I have several other tips that might help your search for a ministry go alittle bit smoother.

I. Keep track of those places you applied. Why?? Well sooner or later you might be looking again and going back to your files notice this congregation also looking again ... there might be a reason - so some RED Flags.

II. Keep a copy of those questionaires you filled out. Why? Some churches ask the same questions - so makes it easier to cut and paste rather than re-type the same answers all over again.

III. Always reply to a message. Whether it is a rejection letter or the next stage in the process .... let them know you received their material and thank them for their time.

IV. Be encouraged. Find ways to relieve that stress. The ministry search doesn't happen overnight - and find others that might encourage you.

V. Keep accurate records. Sometimes it is hard to remember all you did. Listing achievements - even outside your resume and telling how God has used you impacts people. I sometimes forget the impact I've had - so kept my past newsletters, articles, pictures etc. I have a Pastoral Records book which tracks membership, baptisms, funerals, weddings etc. Comes in Handy.

VI. Get advice. Have a mentor. Have someone ask the tough questions - how is your family, marriage, walk with God during this time? Take steps to improve.

VII. Read. Be a life long learner. Don't waste your time online just looking for a ministry in the Word, get information. Learn from others. Heal.

VIII. Improve your communication Skills. First impressions do matter. Know what you say and say it well. Also know what you are communicating through online activity. Facebook, twitter etc ... do matter. Your social media is a reflection of who you are. And can either make or break a deal at times. If a church leader sees you have written some crazy ideas online - he might not want to hire you. (True story - I had one leader tell me he didn't want to hire me because he thought I was a punk kid and too young and cocky after reading just one blog post I wrote)Have a place (Website) that lists those places such as your blog, twitter, facebook, RSS feed, articles, linkedin, youtube etc. It helps add to your portfolio!

IX. Pray. Pray without ceasing. Pray that God would have you in the place He wants you to be.

X. Have Fun! Be yourself. Use the gifts God wants you to. Sure there is room for improvement but don't be fake in order just to get a "Ministry" or a "Job" only to be looking in a year or so down the road. The process of the ministry search can be stressful and cause headaches but try to look at it as an opportunity to learn, seek where God would have you to be, and to improve.

God's blessings as you seek Him!


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