Lead, Follow, or Get out of the Way?

I wrote the following last week and thought to share:

Lead, follow, or get out of the way? I've heard this phrase a lot of times. Sometimes I wonder whether I'm a leader, follower, or need to get out of the way? It is a balance. There are times I need to step up as a leader, but ultimately GIVE GLORY to THE LEADER. There are times I need to follow. Set that example. Afterall, Jesus set the example as being a servant. (Philippians 2:5-12 comes to mind) And then there are times I need to get out of the way. (This past Sunday was one example - where several things went wrong - DVD player not working, wrong song etc and then we prayed to God to leave our baggage at the door and just focus on Him - and We did) From Eddy's poem for communion, to the song, How Great is our God, to the decision of Olivia being baptized into Christ. I know I was in awe, how about you?

All I can say is .... Do it again, Lord. Do it again! There are people's lives that need to be transformed by the loving grace that Jesus brings.

In the next few weeks - we have a lot of "stuff" going on. From Thanksgiving - to taking up an Special offering for Missions, to Christmas programs to that just ministry. May we never forget it isn't about just stuff, but about Jesus.


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