Catalyst One Day.

Last Monday I went to Baltimore with a few friends to the one day conference called: Catalyst One Day. I heard about Catalyst from several of my friends who went to the big convention in Atlanta.

The Big word of the day was "Momentum" - Gaining and Substaining it within the ministry context. Now there were lots of notes I took and alot of little tidbits of which I can apply to my ministry context without compromising what the Bible says.

One of the sessions, entitled "Don't Be That Couch" was well worth the day.

Here is one tidbit I wrote down. "Church are empty because they love their models rather than the people." "Maybe Apple, Coke are more committed to their shareholders than we are to our Savior."

Alot to process with 40 page booklet and all the notes I took. Applying - tweaking and throwing out the old couch won't be easy.


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