
Showing posts from March, 2012

My Hagerstown Suns Rant!!

This Editorial piece" bothers me. Especially this quote: "Several people have publicly expressed their opposition to building a new stadium. Some reasons cited for this opposition are: (a) game attendance will not increase significantly, (b) the Suns provide little financial benefit to the community, (c) the Suns do not field championship teams, (d) few Suns players advance to the major leagues, (e) local taxes will increase. None of these reasons is valid. In fact, there is no valid reason for not building a new stadium. Local taxes will not need to increase if the stadium is built. Public funding for the stadium can come from the local hotel/motel tax and the Maryland Stadium Authority." None of this is valid? How about they already invest over $500 000 (that a half a million dollars) in the existing stadium? How about the parking? So where is the Magic funding going to come from in this new stadium? We already know the hotel/ motel tax that was suppos

Eight Years .....

It has been 8 yrs since the Leafs made the Playoffs. (again they will miss this year) No parade ... no running for the Cup ... No celebrating .... its been since 1993 since we had a serious run and since 1967 since we won ..You Read that right 1967 ..... Something needs to change ... I think.

Justice for Not just Travvon But Lamonte.

The year was Christmas Eve 1998. My friend, Lamonte, had finished working at KB Toys ... he had just went home. This would be the last time he would be heard from again. A few days later ...Lamonte doesn't show up for work. That was strange. He was 23. He had just quitting smoking. He talked about his son; getting ready to get married to his fiancee. He was suppose to spend Christmas with his family. Then the news ... Lamonte (an African American) had been found in the basement of his home - murdered. Left naked and covered up by a blanket ...(as if he was some sort of animal) The robbers took all the Christmas gifts, his clothes and made off into the night. His family found him. Later the police would find the criminals and prosecute them. Nothing in the news. Just another murder in a city as if this was the norm. It wasn't the norm. It shouldn't be the norm. I want my friend back. (Fact is I want all my friends who have died back at times ...I cry and think man wha

My Calvin and Hobbes Collection

Calvin and Hobbes is probably one of the best comic strips ever made. I went into a bookstore and one of the workers never heard of the Strips. Here are the books I have: Something Under the Bed Is Drooling The Essential Calvin and Hobbes: A Calvin and Hobbes Treasury Yukon Ho! The Authoritative Calvin and Hobbes: A Calvin and Hobbes Treasury Calvin and Hobbes: The Tenth Anniversary Book It's a Magical World Calvin and Hobbes: Sunday Pages, 1985-1995 My Dream is to get the Whole Collection ..... What Calvin and Hobbes books have you read?

My Favourite Calvin and Hobbes Comic

This is one of my favorite Calvin and Hobbes comic ... Found here Top 25 (Warning some language) I loved Calvin and Hobbes. Collected the books. Just recently, my own children have been reading them too ...when I brought my books home this week ... it seems both Nicole and Brian love the books. (Calvin is about the same age as my son)

30 Pieces Offering!!

This past Sunday we gave out some small draw string bags to our children's ministry. The children and their families are to put their spare change (Coins, dollars etc) in them and bring the bags back in 2weeks for our Easter Service as an offering. During our Easter Service - we will have a time where the children can bring their bags of coins and present the to the Cross and put them near the foot of the Cross (Which we have in the front of our Auditorium). Why 30 pieces? And what does this represent? Well, we like, Judas, have betrayed Jesus with our own sinfulness .... We nailed Jesus to the Cross. (Actually our sin did and (Romans 3:23 and Romans 6:23 reminds of this) And so we give back our offering to Him for in Romans 5:8 "while we were yet sinners .... Christ died for us." Our special offering will got to one of our missions to surprise them as well ...... This might be an idea you can use in your ministry as well. Are you doing anything special or

Sermon Scripture References for Next Quarter.

Sermon Text DATE Scripture Reference Apr. 1st Joshua 10: 7-13 8th John 20:1-10 15th Joshua 11:16-20 22nd Joshua 14:6-12 29th Joshua20:1-6 May 6th Joshua 23:1-11 13th Ruth 20th Jude 27th

Comparing Teens from 1982 to 2012

Was sent this and thought Amusing ... From:

Times to Rejoice!!!!

We just finished our Baby Bottle Campaign to help support our local Crisis Pregnancy Center. In just a few short weeks .... we raised over a thousand dollars to help our local center. (How Cool is that?) Our local boy scout troop 252 has several young men getting ready to start on their Eagle projects. (How cool is that?) And then our little ole Clothes closet has been used and even some of the clothes donated to a local mission called: Children in Need We're still helping to feed the hungry and clothe the naked by our local ministries and share Jesus both near and far. And let's not forget all the behind the scenes stuff that happens weekly ...preparing for Easter, and then summer with VBS, camp etc. God has truly blessed. And one more thing our mortgage is under $175 000 left. I'm truly amazed how God is working and using people .... one person just wrote me this week and quoted Hebrews 11:1 "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, and the ev

Commentaries ... Which ones do you use?

In preaching - one uses many different commentaries ... I use some online, Matthew's, Wierbe's and just recently picked up this one for my sermon series through Joshua. I like it. Very simple. Very relevant. What other resources do you use for your messages? What was the last commentary you bought?

The Effective Pastor - A Guide. - Review.

Seems to me I've been getting more resources and books that are more practical in the Minister's Life and Work. Robert Anderson's book is one that I wanted to check out and read for some time. It gives some good insight for ministry. Written from a Baptist background (and hints of traditional bias) this book is anything but. This resource even speaks on one of the issues that few church leaders hear about ... the role their wife plays in the ministry. This practical guide is one that goes through the daily routine of ministry and it isn't always about "Just preaching the Word." what was the last book you read?

Bible Reading Plans.

Right now I'm reading through two different Bible Reading plans ...One along with our church people that goes through the life of Jesus leading us up to Easter ... and the other has me reading through the Bible in a year. I've tried different reading plans but these ones help me stay disciplined and in the Word. What reading plans are you using to help you be in God's Word? There is one through EBible that sends you a daily verse of the day and of course youversion and other online and software out there .... The best advice - stick to it ...and be in the Word.

Downsizing My Office.

As many of you know is "I love books." I love to read. And until a few years ago, would rarely part with any of my books or resources .... This week I went through my office and actually got rid of two book cases full of material. (I took my book cases that I bought home and cleaned up my office). Don't get me wrong ... I love reading and I still love books ...and there are some books I wouldn't want to part with. (I'm actually hoping to pass along to my kids) The reality is that most of the books I have - after I read them - they just collect dust. So I need to recycle, reuse and re-invest in others as well. A lifelong leader is a learner ...and he also passes along his resources. I'm hoping to do that more. To learn, re-invest in people's lives, and help people be even better leaders than me. How about you?

It's Not About Me - Max Lucado - A review.

I'll be honest ... I read and have a lot of Lucado's books. Why? Because they are simple, sound, and concise. This one took me awhile to get reading at first. Why was that? Perhaps because I'm still getting used to using and reading certain books on my e-reader. Perhaps it was too simple. Perhaps because of life itself. Anyways ... Max Lucado again writes a homerun book. A good reminder that it isn't about US, but about Him. One of my favourite chapters was Chapter Eight. The story of G.R. Tweed hit home. As we are to be reflecting the mirror of our Lord (2 Cor. 3:16) In Chapter 9, Max Lucado shares about a European priest who gathered the Church for a special service .... in the darkness of the night ...they waited. Soon the priest arrived. "when he reached the crucifix that hung on the wall, he lit a candle. Saying nothing, he illuminated the pierced feet of Christ, then the side, then one hand, and then the other. Lifting the candle, he shed light on t

The 3 Es of What the Church is to be doing.

Here is what the church needs to be doing: I. Edify the Saints. Encourage them. Fellowship. Disciple. Telling them not to give up the race, persevere .... pursue God. Be Holy. II. Encourage non-believers to follow Jesus. From Fan to follower ..... (Part of the Great Commission) III. Elevate the Lord. (Part of the Greatest Commandment to Love God) (Give God all the glory) What do you think? Anything to add? How you encouraging non-believers, edifying the saints and elevating God?

Be a Fountain not a Drain.

Saw this from a church newsletter and thought to share: BE A FOUNTAIN NOT A DRAIN I saw a marquee in front of a church’s building that had the following on it: “BE A FOUNTAIN NOT A DRAIN”. I looked over at my wife and said, “There is a sermon in there somewhere.” Indeed, there is a lesson in this simple statement that every Christian needs to hear. Christians will either be a fountain or they will be a drain when it comes to their responsibilities in the kingdom of God. This is especially seen in the local work of a congregation. There is no middle ground. As a member of a local church, I am either a fountain that nourishes the work or I am a drain that is depleting the energy and life from that work. Paul expressed the ‘either or’ principle when writing about the life of the Christian. “Do you not know that if you present yourselves to anyone as obedient slaves, you are slaves of the one whom you obey, either of sin, which leads to death, or of obedience, which leads to ri

Re-thinking Mission Statement.

in the process of re-thinking our "Mission statement" It is a good statement but no one remembers it. Just finished up reading "Church Unique" and came up with three words: Live. Love Long. I. Live the Gospel - (The Great Commission Matt.28:16-20) II. Love God and others. (The Greatest Commandment Makr 12:28-34) III. Long for others to Follow and be Disciples. (1 John 4:7,8) Just brainstorming. Of course next up is Andy Stanley's book: Visioneering ... But I just can't get out of my head that of Phil Vischer's speech and that "Where there is no "Vision" people perish" or rather where there is no revelation, people perish. We just need the people of God to follow the Word of God and not some business model. (End of rant and same of Phil's words too that he said in a speech in Atlanta NYWC several yrs ago)

More Suns Baseball Drama

Story Ah, so a lease being done ... the Winchester factor ..... and the Drama begins. Meanwhile the taxpayers paying for this and people are struggling? Something tells me 1. Either the Suns owner wants a FREE ticket to a NEW Stadium. 2. This is a joke. 3. If the Suns so profitable and wants to keep them here ...why not willing to put his own $$$ into the club? 4. Something smells fishy here ...

Baseball Controversy in Hagerstown

Municipal Stadium has had its share of controversy. Including: In 2005 a movement arose to rename an adjacent street to honor Willie Mays, who played his first game at the park as a minor league rookie. The proposal, however, was shot down due to protests by various American war veterans groups who wanted to keep the original road name of Memorial Boulevard. The affair was covered by ESPN on its Outside the Lines program. And now the controversy of New Stadium downtown Suns to possibly move to Winchester? And the owner being told by the MLB and the Nats organization the stadium needed to be updated (Actually they seem to demand a new stadium) Now here is where the rubber mets the road. 1. Why should the government be funding this? 2. What happened to past tax revenue that was suppose to be used for this? 3. What about the History of the Stadium? We forget the traditions etc. Willie Mays, (and even current super stars like Bryce Harper, Steven Strasburg) Do we

"Celebrity" Christian Causes.

Seems a lot of people see a certain video or social network issue and have to promote or press the "Share" button. The problem is it becomes the fad or gimmick of the week. What happens next week? Who picks up the pieces? Do we jump on the bandwagon? Or do we continue with the resources and gifts and abilities that God gives us? Seems to me this week to week or month to month causes ...they cause confusion. The focus tends to be on the social justice issues rather than the God of Justice. We need to be careful. Be as innocent as doves, wise as serpents ... So what is the Church to do when certain causes come up or emergencies arise? I. Have a plan. II. Pray III. Respond with kindness. IV. If people want to give, or share that is ok ... but recognize or ask are they doing because "everyone is doing it" or feel compelled because they prayed about it and are convicted to do so? V. What happens when this Cause is over? VI. Have a Church Emergency Pla

What is that Smell?

What is that smell? In 2 Corinthians 2:15-16 it says: New International Version (NIV) "15 For we are to God the pleasing aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing. 16 To the one we are an aroma that brings death; to the other, an aroma that brings life. And who is equal to such a task?" For we are the aroma of Christ. We either smell like death or life. We either are sweet or we stink. There is no inbetween. What aroma of Christ (if any) are you giving to others? Are they smelling you and thinking, "Man, I don't want to be near you" or are they saying "There is something different and special about you." (To which you point them to Christ) I've always like Pepe. I felt sorry for him. The problem is He is a romantic. He wants to be sweet, act sweet, but his aroma says otherwise. (Funny thing is we named our black cat we had, Pepe). Thar is the issue of some Christians - they want to be sweet, sometime

"Self Promoting" Christian Blogs = Self Righteous?

Here is a pet peeve of mine ... Christian leaders that self promote their own blogs every day. In fact if it isn't every day it is every other day on other social media sites such as groups in Facebook. All they post is their blog ... don't contribute to the conversation ... and sometimes post their blog posts just to stir things up. It gets old. There are things as "Google Reader" to add people's blogs to one's reader or even an RSS feed. You can also have the posts emailed to you ... but no instead these authors and Christian leaders just post their blog posts on the site ... and it is like saying: 1. Hey look at my latest writing .... I'm cool. 2. I, know it all. How self-righteous of you. 3. Promotes this celebrity mentality. 4. Promotes sometimes disunity. What do you think? am I off base? I know there are some good authors out there and probably don't mean it that way. Maybe they can see ...check out my blog and add it to your F

Online Resource Index for Hurting Church Leaders

One of the best resources for those hurting in ministry is Found here for either ministers, youth ministers etc. They have listings for Church conflict, counseling, retreat centers etc. One of the Finest people that I consulted with while in transition with a few ministries I had.

25 Books for those Church Leaders that are Hurting.

One of my biggest passions and sympathy for is those that are ministers and have been hurt by the church. There are tons of stories out there .... Sheep that bite. Churches that have hurt some good preachers ... and of course preachers that have hurt churches too!! My hope is that the church improves. I love the Church. See the potential in her. See people that have abused her; and people that misuse "the Church and her leaders." So this is to encourage my fellow workers in the ministry: Hang in there. Don't quit. The grass isn't always greener. Through the years there have been some good books and resources that have encouraged in in the midst of down times. Here they are: 1. Brothers We are Not Professionals - John Piper 2. Christian Minister - Sam Stone 3. Churches that Abuse - Ronald M. Enroth. 4. Dare to Drop the Pose- Craig Groeschel 5. Dear Preacher, Please Quit! Roy Branson. Jr. 6. Escape from Church, Inc. E. Glenn Wagner 7. Find Us F

Church Unique

In the midst of reading this book. A very interesting book. It is probably one of the books that should of been written years ago. It talks how one can cast vision and create a movement. One of the focuses it tends to focus on is how we as the church can be the church rather than the focus on programs but on setting things forward.

A Partnership That didn't Happen!

So I heard about a guy named Dudley Rutherford in CA whose church merged and helped out another and went on to be successful. I had a friend who went through having a partnership with another church and they combined resources and eventually became United Church in Richmond. So this past Fall, I had a friend, who sent out an email looking for a church to help out their struggling congregation. (A independent Church who came out of Lutheran background, and was meeting at a 7th Day Adventist Church where the church I serve use to met - coincidence??) So I responded and we met for lunch and showed his leaders our facility. I didn't know where we stood - other than they were struggling financially and were seeking what the next steps were. Either: I. Use our facility and operate as a separate church. II. Combine resources and merge III. Say "Thanks but no thanks". I was very upfront where we stood doctrinally. They saw our statement of faith and agreed wit

Getting in Shape.

I use to kid with people "I'm getting in shape. Round is a shape." But I've been convicted. 1 Cor. 6:19-20 talks about the temple ... I've been sick of the jokes I heard about preachers being overweight; fat' and eating chicken alot (Though that last part might be true). So I decided to do something about it. I weighed about less than two years at the most over 242 .... I've had friends, (like Matthew McNutt who was on the Biggest Loser) who put me to shame. So I've decided to do something about my weight. Get rid of Mt. Dew (though drinking Pepsi isn't good either) I'm now done to drinking some coffee, and not as much snackie foods, water and exercising. (Biking alot the Y) As of this week I'm down to 206. My goal is to get under 200 ... So what goals do you have? Are you getting in shape?