
Showing posts from January, 2008

Why Youth Ministry has Failed!

Or where has it failed. (This from a conversation on a Forum ) Let me quickly suggest a few ways: It has failed because it has been more about the Youth Pastor than God. It has become more the Entertain me rather than God changing me. Retreats, games, gimmicks and focus on teenagers alone tends to be the focus. It tends to be about self-evaluation rather than transformation. It has forgotten that Youth Ministry isn't about Youth as it is about God and Family. It often separates teens from their families and thinks that having adults be influencers on their lives works ...meanwhile the number one influence on their lives is forgotten - their parents. It seems to be that the youth pastor knows better raising the kids than the parents who actually are. It (Youth Ministry) tries to compete with extra curricular activities and thinks that they are the devil and people don't have their priorities start because their son or daughter is in sports, marching band, whatever ... and missed

Top 10 Interview Questions to ask as a Youthworker

I've helped with the Hiring of a Youth Worker . Then how you can as a youthworker can get hired . Even presented the ideas of Why Youth Ministry Ways to Start Strong And even reflected back on What I would do differently And even that of Handling a Forced Exit Currently I've been thinking of 2 upcoming themes (Including this one) on Top 10 Interview Questions and Knowing when to Leave So I always get asked what are some interview questions to ask. Here is a Forum discussion on some questions to ask Basically here are the Top 10 I would ask: 1. What is the Church like? Demographics, style, who trying to reach, history of the church? 2. What is the youth program like? what style - PDYM, Family, etc. 3. What is the Senior Minister like? Style, reference, how does he work with others etc. 4. What is the Leadership Structure? Is it Ministry teams, committees, staff lead, eldership/deacons what? 5. What is the expectation of the youth minister? Is

All I ever needed to know about Life I learned from the NHL

1. There is only One Great One! 2. When there is conflict; there will always be a referee 3. Fighting can and will occur often even in the church. 4. Change will come quickly and you may not like it. 5. You get to score ever now and then 6. No one likes a tie game 7. Sudden death either excites you or sends fear! 8. No one team is exactly alike 9. Firing is never easy 10. There will be times of low attendance

Top 10 Reasons Why Youth Workers are Successful

10. Know it is the quality of the Program; not the quantity of youth ...quality brings quantity but not always vice versa. 9. The church supports the youth ministry financially 8. The Senior Pastor is supportive. He was a youthworker once; and has his own reputation at stake! 7. You have great support system of parents 6. Church leadership looks to youth workers to help families and be a leader of leaders to teens and their families 5. Parents see the Youth Ministry as having value and impact in student's lives. 4. Clarity is given in expectations; job description and their is room for creativity as well as accountability. 3. Vision for the church is defined and the role youth ministry will play in that vision! 2. Youthworkers lead a balance life; not burning out; but rather pleasing God and working on their own journeys in the process. 1. They have found great professional training, tools and are lifelonger learners