Friday, January 18, 2008

Top 10 Reasons Why Youth Workers are Successful

10. Know it is the quality of the Program; not the quantity of youth ...quality brings quantity but not always vice versa.

9. The church supports the youth ministry financially

8. The Senior Pastor is supportive. He was a youthworker once; and has his own reputation at stake!

7. You have great support system of parents

6. Church leadership looks to youth workers to help families and be a leader of leaders to teens and their families

5. Parents see the Youth Ministry as having value and impact in student's lives.

4. Clarity is given in expectations; job description and their is room for creativity as well as accountability.

3. Vision for the church is defined and the role youth ministry will play in that vision!

2. Youthworkers lead a balance life; not burning out; but rather pleasing God and working on their own journeys in the process.

1. They have found great professional training, tools and are lifelonger learners

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