
Showing posts from November, 2008

Love the Sinner, Hate the sin.

Gotta love those cute little Christianese slogans? The problem with slogans and such is sometimes there are not in the Bible. We reduce the slogan and well it isn't true. If God loved sinners; and hated sin ... then there would be No need for the atoning Grace of Jesus. You see if God could just love sinners - it would mean He can turn a Blind eye to the Sin of people. But because God cannot look at us that are sinners ...We needed atonement. God hates sin and sinners. He loves people and doesn't want them to remain sinners. And the wages of sin is death, thus why Christ came to pay that price. The problem is sometimes we are quick to turn an away from sin. Oh, that's ok was a little white sin or that little lie or that little gossip. (Unless it fits into our category of Big SINS) Interesting is John 3:16 says For God so loved the World ... Doesn't mention that God so loved sinners, but the world, that He gave His one and only Son for us. So what does that do wit


I, basically, have 4 rules when it comes to life, ministry and well almost anything. I. Respect God. II. Respect Each other. III. Respect the Property IV. No Dying. (Don't do anything stupid that can get yourself killed or want others - parents to kill you or me) What rules do you live by?

The Will of God.

Someone Recently wrote the Following: The will of God As the LAW of GOD The Perfect will of God (eg. all men to be saved) The Permissive will of God. My Response: I got thinking of these things and well the Will of God is perfect and Holy. And unfortunately the perfect will of God isn't for all men to be saved. (There I said it). It isn't His will. Would He like it? Sure. But unfortunately not everyone will nor does God predestine or chose or they choose to follow God. God is Holy. And because of Holiness and Judgment that God is love but also perfect in His Wrath as well. what was Jesus' mission? To do the will of His Father. What was that? God is so much into the Forgiveness Business that He sent Jesus to complete the law and to give us Grace. We come up with cute little slogans like: "Hate the sin, not the sinner" but unfortunately it isn't true. God hates sinners. Can't stand to be in front of sin and thus if He loved Sinners we mock Jesus. Because if

Great question on Discipleship.

My friend Dave posed a few youth workers the following questions: if you had a list of 12 spiritual qualities or characteristics that described the ideal disciple (aka volunteer/mentor) what would they be? what do we need to instill in our volunteers to help them become better spiritual mentors and Christ-followers in general? What are your answers?

Ministry is more about Listening than it is Speaking.

I'm learning this lesson along life's journey. Life is full of surprises. Life is messy, broken and isn't easy. Ministry is about listening. It is about listening to: 1. God's Voice - and doing what He would have us do. 2. It is about listening to God's people - their stories. There are many hurting people out there that just want you to listen. 3. It is about listening leaders. We need leaders that don't just talk, but sit still and listen and try to comfort, grieve, be joyful when the occasion is needed. 4. It is about listening to those that need Jesus. Listening to their stories of suffering, pain, and on life's journey ...knowing that that the GREAT Listener has been there all along. 5. It is about listening to parents. Listening to their dreams, visions they have for their children. It isn't so much telling parents how to parent; as it is listening and encouraging parents to parent. 6. It is about listening to mentors. Learning how one disciples. W

Top 10 Things I've Learned from Government!

I. Everyone is an expert. People like to talk like they know to run things. II. Everyone likes to talk about government. Politics comes easy to talk about; especially at the water cooler. III. There are winners and losers. Someone's feelings will be hurt, and others will bask in the glory of their "winner." IV. There are always great analogies for government. A business, a sporting game, entertainment. V. Government has a cost. It takes a lot of money to run government. VI. It usually takes more than one person to get something done. (Think Highway workers and just one person working while 5 watching him work) VII. There is always Bias. Whether media, editorials, radio. There is always a bias. No one is exempt from bias. VIII. It usually takes time to go through all the rules, policies, procedures, (all the motions) to get something done. (See #6) IX. We need LEADERS!!! Often the Real leaders are those working behind the scenes and not seeking the front person position. X