Tuesday, June 05, 2007

What does it mean to Grow spiritually?

Growing spiritually -

Well it can be summed up but here are some "evidences" of growing spiritually.

1. Willingness to Serve in the local body.
2. Willing to be a Servant leader.
3. Evidence of fruits of the Spirit - love, joy, peace, patience (Galatians)
4. Ability to love God and love others.
5. Willing to step out of their comfort zone and tell others about Jesus - whether that be locally or beyond.
6. Studying to show thyself an approved workman.
7. Practicing Spiritual disciplines.
8. Using their spiritual gifts.
9. Has a Christ-like attitude.
10. You can see it in their life daily.

I know it sounds like alot of "Christianese" here but are there other measures to show a person is growing spiritually?

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