Thursday, May 31, 2007

Don't use Threats!

As some of you know I get upset when people are let go from ministry. I've been there! I've seen conflict. I hurt for my friends that go through this process. The best thing is to ask questions. Of course there is always His side.... her side ... and somewhere lies the truth.

I've always felt that churches and parachurch organizations can resolve some of this conflict prior to Firing someone. (Usually a firing should be a last resort and not the only one and not even used or thought of in the process).

Sometimes it is thinking through things like: How does this help God's Kingdom?
Could a mediator help this process? What is the best way to partner and improve this situation? Of course most of these thoughts are after the fact. Today I've been making several phone calls on our Camp situation ... and just let's say as people of God ... our church is evaluating where we stand by the end of the summer. This whole situation just wasn't handled properly - even if justified! Sometimes the church continues to shoot its wounded!

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