Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Speaking Engagement

So I was speaking at Chapel
for a Christian Middle School High School.

Basically I had 3 points.

I. We are to love one another. 1 John 4.

II. Everything is to point to Jesus. (Cited example of list of 8 qualities of Healthy Church but no mention of Jesus)

III. We are to use our gifts. (Parable of the Talents)

Opened up with showing a Clip

And went into how I'm from Canada and a few people I'd like to either see slung around like that or check into the boards.

Then gave the example of my own family. My Mom (On the anniversary of my grandmother's death 1year ago) got a phone call my brother had died. (He's my half brother who I never met). The call from her granddaughter, Amy, (My neice - who again I've never met and a teen) -w ho did this as a prank. Now I was given Amy's number and to respond. And well I lovingly did. Not exactly a great conversation but one of the first I've ever had with Amy. (I didn't even know she existed prior to this call).

So I swallowed humble pie. Gave this example. Read the verses ... and that was it. About a 10-15 minute talk.

Afterwards, one of the Seniors came up to me and said: "You're one of the best speakers we've had!" So I had to ask it. "Why?" His response - "Well it wasn't that you are the best articulated speaker, but that you shared from your heart, were short and to the point. We've had some pastors that spoke well, but went on and on with their points that we really got lost on what was the point again? It was like they were beating a dead horse"

I appreciated the comment. I don't get asked to speak much, nor do I want to. My prayer is the times that I do - I get to the point, be authentic, and present Jesus.

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