Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Overcommunicate: The Best Solution.

So recently there have been some issues in ministry.

1. Looking at my own objectives and getting more involvement
- so currently I'm revising some of these due to some great support from my leadership: Including looking at all our programs, more screening of volunteers, and getting more volunteers, as well as some personal discipline issues. (Monthly retreat @ monastary)

2. When redoing the Grounds - overcommunicate your vision. Our building is now being more visible and some inside and outside changes mostly due to the other Hispanic Congregation (New Church Ministry) that meets at our building and adding assistance as well. It would be good to have some insight or heads up to people so they know what is going on. All is good. But sometimes feelings get easily hurt. (It's the pastor in me)

3. When damage is done - communicate when things go wrong. Recently we had a parent take a nasty fall at her home but her child was at church, and police came etc. (The parent had over 40 stitched to her face) so communication is always good. I had one time to swallow my pride when I damaged the church van. We announced to pray for her and not people to get too concerned when they saw the police cars at our building during service time. It helped to know to people we care about people and want to help when we can.

4. Help and be humble in all things. Recently I've spent more time waiting for friends at the airport than my home. (They were returning from several mission trips). Help, pray, laugh, one of my friends is now leaving for AZ. He and his family will be missed. Today, I helped where I can but in some ways feel God is opening a Big Door for them only to leave some holes for us.

5. Pray. There have been times where I've done nothing but pray that God heals my own heart. Hang in there. God isn't finished with me nor the ministry I'm in yet.

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