Friday, April 12, 2024

Uncle Bob.


We all have that one uncle. The one we adore, and treats you like royalty. That is Bob Russell for a lot of preachers. He's been at Southeast Christian for years and retired. I think one of the best things he's done wasn't preach, nor teach (though he's great at those things) but was after his ministry at Southeast to pour into ministers. 

Bob has become an uncle to a lot of preachers. He has mentored, supported, travelled all over to encourage, equip, and send out Kingdom workers. He loves the church, God's people and most importantly his family. One of the best compliments I got from Bob was "You remind me of my Dad." Basically rough background, but  overcame and loved God. I'll take that any day. 

I recently reconnected with Bob at a seminar called "Art of the Sermon." We had a brief conversation on which he talked about his home church, one of the ministers we both knew: Jerry Yorks. It was with fondness that we looked back at how people handled rough times and God uses it for his good.  

I wonder though as people look to Bob Russell for wisdom, who will be the next Uncle to our church leaders? Then I got thinking  we already got that person. It is who Bob and other preachers been talking about, preaching and teaching about: Jesus. As much as I love Bob Russell and his influence, I love the God and Jesus whom we both serve more. And I think that's the way Uncle Bob likes it.

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