Friday, December 08, 2023

Great Churches

We frequently hear about or read about great churches. So what makes a great church?

Here are some observations about great churches:

1. One that never thinks itself in the terms of greatness. One of the Lord's teachings is that the great ones are those who serve, not there for stardom in the kingdom.

2. A Church that abides in the truth. A great church is not drawn into "Spiritual highs". Truth is the fountain of freedom in Christ from which the church freely drinks.

3. A great church preaches the only message God ever commissioned any church preach, the gospel of Christ. It is the power of the gospel to preach in season and out.

4. A church that is doing the works given by the Head of the Church. It cares for the poor, the orphan, the widow, the lonely, and the lost sheep. These occupy the mind and soul. Builds and grounds are viewed as tools of service, never ends within themselves.

5. A great church is a loving church. They will know you are Jesus' disciples by your love for one another. Size only compounds the love, doesn't determine. The golden rule and greatest commandment apply.

6. A knowledgeable church. It is not just knowing the word of God but the author of the Word. It is easy to know facts and figures but to put the Word into practice.

7. It is not tied to customs or traditions. It will not ignore the values found in traditions and customs But always be willing to become all things to all men for the gospel's sake.

Only God can build a Great Church. No church can ever become great without God in it. We all have to be willing to give God the glory and work for Him.


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