What God Thinks When We Fail - A Review

Ever get stuck in a rut?

Wonder where God is when you fail or make a mistake?

Sometimes it isn't so much on what you know but WHO.

The author reminds us that in the midst of our own shortcomings - we can find grace and success by not trusting in ourselves alone but learning from God. He talks about what matters most:

Your Example, Preaching, Prayer matters. How you react to failure and rise above it and give the focus to not yourself but to HIM!!

One of the quotes that stood out to me is "We often end up reducing the God of all grace and truth to a program that we seek to carry out in our own strength and for our own glory. Or we become cause-centered in our ministry focusing on certain issues ..... But if in the end we are more oriented to the issues of justice than to the God of justice, we get the cart before the horse and we lose sight of the only one who can motivate ..." or "we sometimes become more theology centered rather than Christ centered." pg. 154 So let's keep our eyes on Jesus and learn from our failures to point them to Jesus.

I would recommend this book to any casual or serious Christian who wonders where is God in the midst of the mistakes I make ... and how things need to be for His glory and not ours.


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