The Nines.

On Tuesday, in my office I got to listen to (while doing some work) several leaders from across the country give their views on ministry. life, and how to be a church leader. The Nines has been around for a few years. Every September a FREE online event that several leaders have about nine minutes or less to share their hearts and what God has been doing and giving advice, struggles, and what to do, not to do, in this journey we call Faith.

I listened, jotted down some notes, and was entertained at times. I didn't get to see (They have it broadcasting for over 9hrs) it all. The Nines is like going to a convention without having to leave your office. With Church funds for several leaders being tight due to the economic situation most people are in ..this is a great opportunity to learn, be encouraged, and get some ideas.

Do I agree with everyone? No. Has it been a great tool? Sure.

So next time it comes why not check TheNines out


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