Monday, March 07, 2011

Enchantment: The Art of Changing Hearts, minds and Actions: A Review.

Guy Kawasaki's latest book is one for every leader. I've read two of his others - the Macintosh Way, and Reality Check.

There is just so much that is applicable from Guy's latest book to the context of the church. From Why Enchantment? To building Trustworthiness to making enchantment work in a variety of contexts of employees, volunteers, and the use of technology.

The personal stories at the end of each chapter - read as if Sermon illustrations. You see real people telling real stories on how change is possible. In the Church, we need to have people telling their stories of how God's Story (that of Jesus) impacts them.

I just finished reading this book and still have to let it sink it. I think it should be discussed among fellow church leader groups on how a Church (with the most important message in the World) can impact and be enchanting to a World that so desperately needs Jesus.

Church leaders make decisions all the time. The checklist at the end of Guy's book is a good guideline on to choose your battles wisely. "If I waited a year would I make this same decision?" Seems some battles we have in church politics become more styles rather than on biblical foundations.

Enchantment is released everywhere tomorrow. I had to chance to get a free preview copy.  Consider picking up your copy today.

1 comment:

Carrie said...

Hi Gerrard,

I have a quick question for you. Can you contact me?


Carrie Taaca
Higher Level Group

The Power of Example

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