Friday, January 21, 2011

A Lesson from Tickle Me Elmo

This is a picture of my son's Tickle Me Elmo. I knew sooner or later he would give it up ... just not in this way nor in a way I thought any child would do.

I guess kids learn from each other. My son was recently given a gift (DS) from an older child. Well, my son knew a new born baby (Just a month old) that was a foster child. He basically (without being told or anything) said: "Dad, is it ok I give her my Elmo?" I was like "Are you sure?" I am Dad.

So this past Sunday ... not known to hardly anyone  a small child received a gift from another that brought tears to my own eyes. Sure, Elmo isn't worth much ...but at one time he was everything to my son. Kind of reminds me of another gift. A gift given to each of us. God's Son ... much more valuable than any Elmo. Jesus the greatest gift given to us. A lesson not only from my own son, elmo, but what God continues to remind me. Be thankful for His Grace.

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