Three Things Every Leader Needs.

I. Patience - to sometimes be patient and listen to others. Rome wasn't built in one day.

II. Persistence - to endure the obstacles, and to carry on.  James 1 talks about perserving. It is the whole having the Big picture in mind.

III. Passion. - having the desire, the ambition to achieve what must be done. In Paul's letter to Timothy, he talks about that elders must have a desire for the office (I Timothy 3:1)

I see a lot of leaders that have passion, but don't want to endure the obstacles or are patient in ministry. Sometimes I think that some leaders would rather have things handed to them on a silver platter; rather than work for it and see the rewards that come with the work. Afterall, God is the one that gives the Increase ....


Ben Erickson said…
Very true about the passion and persistence. They go hand in hand. I am actually just a youth from ITSC Yound Adults ministry and came across this article and it was encouraging to read:) Thanx and God bless!

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