Friday, December 18, 2009

A Christmas Greeting.

I received this message in my inbox from a fellow minister, and thought to share with you. (From Don Conley - Minister at Ringgold Church of Christ)
This Christmas season is a good time to remember that the reason God wants us to love is because he is love, and he created us to be like him - to love. The only reason we're able to love is because God loves us: "Love comes from God ... because God is love" (1 John 4:7-8 NIV).

Christmas is not just a season, but it is a time specifically chosen by God for Jesus to come to earth: "But when the right time finally came, God sent his own Son." (Galatians 4:4 TEV)

Knowing that Christmastime is God's chosen time teaches us that Christmas is the time for us to release our fears.
What are the things you're worried about? The economy? Your health? Your bills? Your kids? Are you worried about the future? The fact is there are lots of reasons to be afraid in today's world, but God's message at Christmastime is "Don't be afraid!" (Luke 2:10 NIV) Release your anxieties; let go of your fears.

It's interesting to note that there are 365 verses in the Bible that say, "Fear not." God provided us with one 'fear not' message for every day of the year! Do you think God is saying, "Get the message. Don't be afraid!"

Why does he want us to get the message? Because a lot of people are afraid of God! But God says we do not need to be afraid of him. He is for us; not against us.
And with the birth of Jesus, God shows he is with us.

This Christmas release your fears to the God who says we no longer need to be afraid.

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