Friday, September 04, 2009

Youth Minister's Vision should be a part of the Church's overall Vision.

I recently saw this remark from a friend and responded.

"It's like a Senior Pastor who can't allow his youth pastor to cast a vision for the student ministry because he thinks he can do a better job." (And there are some lame ministers out there - myself included at times)

Actually, I hate to say this (As a former Youth worker and now Lead Minister) I think a Youth worker doesn't cast the vision for the student ministry. The student ministry's vision has to be a part of the whole church's vision otherwise you're a lame duck without support and just running a separate "Youth" Church rather than intergrating the students into the whole Body of Christ and being multi-generational. I hope (And YES I know some SP who think they can do a better job in student ministry and try to micromanage their staff - been there, done that; bought the T-shirt)

I think in my opinion a student ministry's vision has to be partnering and a part of the overall vision of the church. Without support of your Senior Minister and others you're a lame duck!

What do you think? Should youth workers' vision be separate from the church or a part of the overall church?

What is your church's vision?

What direction are you headed in, do you even know?

1 comment:

Brian Vinson said...

You're dead on here, G-man. The youth ministry must fall under the same vision as the church or they will come into immense conflict, especially as "youth" graduate out of the church because the youth ministry and the church are not going in the same direction.

Now, for the SP to completely cut the YM out of the loop when it comes to dreaming and vision casting... that's wrong, too.

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