3 things Every Church Needs!

Basically there are 3 things that every church needs to be doing.

I. Connection. Have a way in which you build community and take people through the discipleship process. From being a seeker to that of a fully devoted disciple of Jesus.

II. Critique. You need to criticize and ask the tough questions of your ministry and church? What is working? What is going well? what is not? Evaluation and follow-up is key. Always listening to both good criticism and even bad criticism (Because it sometimes contains a nugget of truth to it.) (True story - I've been told I'm not as organized at times (If you see my office you think the opposite) the problem wasn't organization but I sometimes don't major in the minor details - and one of the reasons on of my services to teens was a great success was due to surrounding myself with Great people who helped with those details)

III. Conclude. Know how to finish well. Finish your ministry. Finish your projects. Have a starting point and ending point. Know how to finish your services well. Starting and Finishing well says something. Currently this is our biggest criticism.

Getting Started on time and ending on time.

Letting God work through you.

Are there any others you would add?


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