Saturday, March 22, 2008

My life as a post-Youth Minister

Well its been 2 weeks since I made the official Announcement
of my resignation. And only one week since I moved out of my office. Since then I have applied to several jobs and had several people wanting to take me out to eat; and several inquiries of if I was interested in applying at their church. (And one warm up Interview)So far so good.

Here are a few things I've learned in the past few weeks:

1. I sure do have alot of books.

2. Get someone to look at your resume and critique it. Several sources - the better.

3. The shorter your resume - the better. You just want your resume to be an intro - not the end.

The Big Question I keep getting is: "Will you be attending the church you have served the past 5 years?"

Short Answer: No.

Long Answer: We'll be taking a break for awhile and let them get the volunteers and search for the new youth minister they want and possibly return at a later time.
Overseeing Nursery through college was alot ... and now is the time to concentrate on what the next chapter of what God has in store.

Next week: Follow-up calls; and hopefully scheduled interviews. Keep praying!

4. Apply for those positions you think you have a chance at.

5. My life in ministry isn't over; but just starting.

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