May's monthly article: Focus on Church Camp,

This is from The Church Caller: (Bonnie Brae's monthly newsletter) An article I wrote about Camp:

“Extreme Makeover” “Now that we look inside, and what we see is that anyone united with the Messiah gets a fresh start, is created new. The old life is gone; a new life burgeons! Look at it.”
2 Corinthians 5:17 The Message

I love camp. I grew up camping. My father was a security guard for a camp. I was introduced to Christian camping when I was about 10 years old. Since that time, I have gone to camp as a camper, counsellor, kitchen staff, teacher, family leader, c0-dean, dean, board member, executive board member and most importantly as a Christian. I’ve been to Christian camps such as: OCA, Camp Selkirk, Water Street, Teen Haven, Tri-state, Elkhorn, Mahoning Valley, Park Springs, and currently Oak Hill Camp. For the past 35 years I have found Christian camping is far worth it.

A week of church camp is one of the most reasonably priced camps compared to the value (sports, band, cheerleading, scouts etc.) There is also the spiritual training. More can be done in a week of camp than a year of Bible School. Christian camp is far worth it.

One of the things I value about Bonnie Brae is the emphasis and support on Christian camping. Oak Hill is one of the best camps around. It has some of the best leaders, lots of fun, and promoted community. Bonnie Brae tries to promote the value of Christian camping. Why? Because it sees that Oak Hill vales Jesus and promotes, helps, and trains people to be more like Jesus.

Oak Hill theme this summer is on water, hope, and life. Wouldn’t it be great if we had more people renewing their hope and life because of what our God has done and because of a camp experience this summer? Pray for our camp, her leaders, and in all things God be glorified.

See You Sunday,
“God had been at work during our week of camp, molding and shaping young lives.” Shawn McMullen Editor of Lookout. Sept. 2002.


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