Wednesday, September 17, 2014

2014 Pastors For Family Values Summit

so last Thursday I went to this event sponsored by the Family Foundation at the Greater Richmond Convention Center (which BTW is where ICOM 2015 will be and I can't wait ..unless the Lord comes again)

There were several speakers, including: Dr. Del Tackett, Dean Inserra, Victoria Cobb and others.

Here are some quotes of the day:

Dr. Tackett:

"We got to get back to the teaching/ preaching of the triune God. We made God personal but not Holy. We need to be careful how we treat the nature of God. Understand the diversity and unity of Him."

"When we take the design of God to twist to fit our ways won't work."

"Truth is not the end game of God .... Truth leads us to life ...and Life eternal."

Dean Inserra (By far the best speaker of the day)

"Casual Christianity is dying. It is not about your happiness but your redemption."

"Minister to the culture as is not the way you wish it should be."

" 'Thus saith the lord' doesn't change with the times."

(In speaking of the sin of homosexuality) "Heterosexuality is not the goal .... holiness is."

"God is not the sex nazi. "No sex for you." Sex is for married people."

"People matter and we are to address the hot button issues."

"Be consistent ...address divorce, living together is about redemption."

"Don't dare compare Same sex marriage to Civil rights. wish more African American pastors address this."

Victoria Cobb:

"The Gospel covers everything in Culture."

"Pastors know the truth but afraid of sharing it."

"Government is either a friend or adversary of the Gospel."

Some pastors focus on three things: tithe, attendance, and square footage. We need pastors who stand for the Gospel.

Dean Nelson:

5 Reasons why Marriage matters?

1. God's Design.
2. Marriage protects women.
3. Health benefits and prtection of Children.
4. Lifts people out of poverty and into prosperity.
5. Picture for unity as Christ/ Church Lamb/Bride. Rev. 19:7

A good encouraging day .... one of the resounding themes seems to be that the Church has been a sleeping Giant and needs to wake up and take a stand and be Pro-Family, Pro-life and Pro-Jesus and not just social, politics, but in all areas of life ... Stand Firm ..don't let the devil get a foot hold.

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