Tuesday, August 13, 2013

TV Series: Short Words

So I thought of some TV shows of how to sum them up in some very short viewing critic.

Here are some I thought of:

Six Million Dollar Man: A bionic man saves the day.

The Rockford Files: A detective tries to solve crime.

CHIPS - California highway patrol drama.

A-team. - Action drama of cheesy fighting where no one gets hurt.

ALF - a stuffed animal alien that talks and lives on earth and likes cats.

Brady Bunch - A mixed family of interesting cheesy life.

Gilligan's Island - a stranded crew tries to leave the island. Stranded from what was suppose to be a "three hour" tour.

MASH - a military drama of comedy based in Korea.

Cheers - A bar where everyone knows your name ... and some are glad you came.

Boy Meets World - A boy, his family, and the drama of life growing up. And Finney too.

Of course some of Disney's shows today seem to follow patterns of other shows:


Good Luck Charlie - a Full House show following kids who are trying to grow up.

Jessie - a Nannie type show (think Fran) of a young lady trying to grow up.

Austin and Ally - a "Fame" type show of trying to make it big.

Phinesas and Ferb - summer lazy days with some adult things thrown in ... Warner Bros. cartoon classic.

Shake IT Up - The Soul Dance show of its time. (Throw in Fame and its all good)

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