Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Top 10 Things you can do to be Salt and Light.

There are a lot of things you can do to be Jesus' hands and feet to others. Here are some I had thought of:

I. Share the Good news to others. Really. Disciple. Tell others how Christ has transformed you and mentor. After all the Great Commission does have the word: "Go" in it.

II. Give a Cup of cold water to those that need it. Matt. 25.

III. Give food or volunteer in a Food pantry, Soup kitchen. Nothing is quite as humbling and yet enriching than helping those in need. (Don't just do this at Christmas time but volunteer or give in the "off" season as well)

IV. Give clothes to your local clothes closet. Salvation Army, Good Will etc. Find a place where you can give your best "used" clothes and they can be re-used again.

V. Pray. Establish a prayer list and be praying for others. Not just "physical needs" but also spiritual. Pray for your leaders from local, national and international. Pray for your church leaders.

VI. Give school supplies to your local school. There is always a need for teachers for school supplies. Throughout the year - pencils, tissues, wipes etc. Adopt a school, a teacher, and occasionally give throughout the year.

VII. Visit those that are shut-in or in nursing homes. There are some people whose families never visit them or have no family. The elderly appreciate a few moments of people just saying "they care."

VIII. Write a letter or card to someone that needs encouragement. With our technology savvy world - nothing though says it quite like a hand written note. Go ole school and use this thing called the "post office" ...and mail a card today. Hallmark will thank you.

IX. Support one of your church's missions (or all of them) see what needs are out there. Write the missionaries - send them supplies, volunteer, go to church camp etc. Nothing says being salt n light than supporting those trying to be salt n light on the mission field. Maybe even try to go and see what is happening ...

X. Support your local church. Pray for your minister. pray for the leadership. Volunteer and support with your time, treasure and talents. Your church will thank you. Bloom where you are planting. A lot of people can complain about their local church (and trust me a lot of people do) but instead of complaining how about change it? Take ownership, and be Jesus. Your church will thank you. God will be there ... and great things can happen.

The best thing you can do to be Salt and Light to the World is to go ... Try to be Jesus' hands and feet to others. Try keeping it simple. Start small and build from there .... as an ole movie "What about Bob?" use to say ...."Baby Steps" Are you with me?

Any others to add? Or what are you doing to be Jesus to others?

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