Friday, September 07, 2012

What will Church look like in 10, 20, years from now?

Everyone is worried about the future. What will the future church look like? What will youth ministry look like? We're obsessed with it. We want to know. Sometimes our prayer is I wish it was like it was when I was a kid with hymns, people behaving etc. (Some how I don't think that was all it was ...but that's another blog post)

One of the questions I ask is If our church was missing from the community would people even notice?

A tough question to ask one's self.

So what will the church look like when my kids or grandkids are my age? (If the Lord doesn't come before then of course)

My prayer is it looks like - well the church. The church God meant it to be. That it is Jesus' hands and feet. Not caught up in being professional but being biblical. Not caught up in trends but the Spirit. Not caught up in programs but in pressing on to be more like Him. Not being people pleasing as winning people. Not into Music Trends as to Worshipping Him! Not this stability but humility. Being against all sin, and loving Him and others.

My prayer for the church for the future is that the Church is to be Now as well. Let's not live in the past, (honor it) strive in the present (its a gift) and go towards the future.

Let's all be the church now. Who is with me?

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