Saturday, September 08, 2012

Unlocking the Spirit's Power

There seems to be a lack of the Holy Spirit's power in our lives today.

I'm been praying and know that we need the Holy Spirit in our lives again.

I. We need to be concerned. Concerned that God's Spirit which is within us, would lead us to follow Him. To follow what the Bible says.

II. We need to be consistent. Be continually faithful in our time, talents, and treasures that we share with Him and He with us. Consistent in our walk, others are watching. consistent in our actions with our walk. Others are watching. Consistent in our love to Him and others. This isn't a Sunday only "Business" but God's business all the time.

III. We need to be concise. By that I mean we need to be intentionally sharing what God is doing ....What He has done for us, how we came to Him, and what is He doing in your life now?

To unlock the Holy Spirit's power - we need to be connected to Him ...and being doing what God's word says: Love Him and love others ...Who is with me?

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