Top Ten Reasons Why Ministry?

Top Ten Reasons Why Ministry?

People seem to have looked at ministry as sometimes depressing.. When people ask "Why ministry?" I answer "Why not?" Here is a top ten reasons to consider supporting the preaching ministry within your church.

I. It helps to train, equip, rebuke, in righteousness in helping them know God's Word. To preach the Word.
2 Timothy 3:16,17.

II. It helps people to "Go ...." People
more than ever are willing to be stretched, used and be out of their comfort zones than ever before. Thus the Mission Trips and Service Projects are very important.
"Go ye into all the world ..." Matt. 28:19,20.

III. It helps ministry be professional more so than ever before. Ministry is now seen as a must need within the church. It helps people lead balanced lives in their mental, social, physical and spiritual aspects. It clarifies the expectations.

IV. It makes disciples. Matt. 28:19,20. The old stats of 80% of Christians do so by the age of 18. With such influences as conventions, camps, retreats.

V. It Teaches. Matt. 28:19, 20 " ...teaching them to obey all things ..." Education in our Bible Schools, our Bible Colleges, and our campus ministries.

VI. It helps simplify the Gospel. Where else can you teach the basics of the faith and leave a heritage? Acts 4:12; Hebrews 11.

VII. It teaches Unity. John 17. Ministry must and does functions with the rest of the body of Christ. It works with parents, relatives and the family of God.

VIII. It builds community. Where else can you love God and Love kids? Be silly; know that God is there. I know this is the one of the basics Jesus spent a lot of time with his disciples. Mark 12:28-34.

IX. It is relational. I know a young lady that has been teaching Bible School for 67years. Why? Her educational style has changed but her relationships with those she teaches has not. She loves her Lord, and loves the youth she teaches.

X. It is Life Changing. The impact. The purpose, philosophy, support of families, crossing the generations makes it all worth it.

So Now we Know Why Ministry, Now What?

One has to envision what their ministry is going to look like.

The premise or the purpose behind the reasons for their ministry to which direction they will go.

Here are some practical suggestions to start with.

I. Ask yourself the tough questions. What are we doing right now? What can we change? How do we do it? What is the purpose? What is our vision, philosophy or mission statement for the ministry here?

II. Set some goals. Recruit. Have job descriptions. Screen your workers, train, have a budget etc

III. Have ways to achieve the objectives. Do we have the staff?
Volunteers? Be flexible and balanced.

IV. Follow through on your objectives. Start small and build from there. (Rome wasn't built in one day either).

V. Don't be Discouraged. Ministry is not easy, nor is it meant to be.What you win them to is what you have to keep them with. If all fun and games, Guess what you got to continue to do? If Big events and so on and so forth. Make the ministry your church's, have them own it. Again
Flexibility and balance come into play.

VI. Actually this should of been number 1. Get the support of the people

VII. Have some accountability. Set boundaries, rules etc. Recommend the book Better Safe Than Sued
and Brotherhood Insurance's Reducing the Risk.

VIII. Get the Leadership behind you. Nothing makes or breaks a ministry more than if the leaders are behind it or not.

IX. Communicate. Overcommunicate. Nothing does better than to have lots of PR .... Plus it gets your light too out to the community.

X. Get some resources that can be adopted, adapted to met your people's own faith journey needs.

So we discussed the Why, What, The Who and Where are easy. Who? as in Who can be involved in ministry? Anyone that loves God and loves people.
We do this through our own objectives of the 4Cs in which we have people Come, Connect, Committ and be Commissioned. Currently we havepeople at various stages of this. As to resources and sites.

An unknown author once wrote "To touch the past, touch a rock. To touch the present, touch a rose. To touch the future, touch a child" We that are involved in ministry are doing just that. Touching people's lives with the Love of God. May we continue to press on being the hospital for sinners, and not letting our Church be some museum or clique for saints.


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