Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Adventures with the Suns.

So this past Saturday my family went to the Hagerstown Suns Baseball team game. It was a doubleheader. The scouts were to be honored. It was a great nite until ...

After the game, the scouts were to sleep on the outfield. We slept between 1st and 2nd base ... Everyone had a tent. We (My family) were setting up our tent when a tent pole broke (That should of been the sign to go home right there) So in flexibility we decided to just sleep out under the stars on top of our tent. The movie was loud. about 1am ...I feel asleep with all 5 of us on top of our tent. The dew was thick. About 2am lovely wife wakes me and tells me she is soaked. So we decide to pack it up and go home. Somewhere between 2-3am we make it home. I get a few hours sleep ...make it to church .... Baby dedication, sermon, hospital call, and memorial service all in one day. Some how when the Girl Scouts go to the Suns game in July ...I don't foresee us staying and camping at that game.

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