16 Things I've learned in 16 Years as Ordained Minister

This week I'm finishing sixteen years as an ordained minister - about to enter my 17th year. Here are sixteen things I've learned:

I. Love God. I mean it - show more love to God.

II. Pray more. Prayer is powerful.

III. Choose your battles wisely. Somehow that fight over that minor issues seems of little importance now.

IV. Spend more time with family. Family is important. Protect them.

V. Spend more time in the Word. There is value in God's Word.

VI. Don't read too much or take away too little from the Bible.

VII. Opinions are much like cows - they are everywhere. And everyone seems to got one or want one.

VIII. Be a life long learner. Read more.

IX. Have a coach, mentor, peers in which you can share life together. Pray with one another. Nothing says Kingdom Work than a fellow Church Leader who lets you know "You are not alone."

X. Memorize more scripture. There is value in knowing the Word.

XI. Don't make your teaching so complex that No one understands it; but don't make it too Simple that it insults God and comes off as having all the "Pat Answers" - Christianese, and downwatering are insulting to God.

XII. Give honor where honor is due. Respect for elders, those that have served their country and in ministry goes a long way.

XIII. Worship is important. Do it daily.

XIV. Be yourself. You don't have to be the next mega-Rock Star Church leader- be who God created you to be.

XV. Learn to laugh at yourself. Learn from your mistakes. Don't be afraid to admit you were wrong. Grow from them.

XVI. Live life to the fullest. You have the opportunity to work with some of the greatest people around. I've worked with some great young adults, some great sponsors, some great parents, and leaders. Not everyday was great but reflecting back - it wasn't just one great moment but the opportunity that God put certain people in your life to make it better. Thanks,

What things have you learned?


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