Thursday, April 28, 2011

Secular Music that has Influenced me.

So people define things as secular and "Christian" - I try not to differentiate between the two  ... but in order to give more of a credit to those artists that might not of been on the CCM (Contemporary Christian Music) scene are some artists that have influenced me growing up:

I. Elvis. My Mom was a big Elvis fan. I knew when he died. Watched his movies.

II. The Beatles. I remember in 8th grade singing: "when I'm 64" and knowing Yellow submarine.

III. Michael Jackson. Whether or not people loved him, or hated him ... Michael was the King of Pop.

IV. Queen. We are the Champions. Bohemian R.

V. Tesla - (Remember the song: Sign, sign everywhere a sign ...)

VI. Aerosmith - Doing an air band of Janie's Got a Gun in High School ... was very amusing ...

VII.  Anne Murray. Surprise here ..but as a little kid I still remember the song - You are my sunshine.

VIII. Johnny Cash. My Mom loved Conway Twitty, Loretta Lynn, Hank Williams ... I just like Cash's songs.

IX. Rush. Neal Peart. Best Drummer ever. no questions asked.

X. Run DMC ....

Other mentions: AC/DC, Iron Maiden, Fresh Prince,

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