Soul Cravings - A Review - and other books I'm reading.

 Just finished reading this book, Soul Cravings. the author talks about what the human spirit desires, craves, longs for. In the book, Erwin McManus, articulates the way and need for the journey of which we are on. The need for trust, intimacy, and ultimately a relationship with a loving God. I appreciated the very honest and different entries about how one looks at life. His interaction with others and how they view this world, and the ideas of each other, life, and ultimately God.

Ultimately it comes down to how we look at life, and how we choose to go about living the life of which we've been given. A very well written book, with some good sermon illustrations within.

Next on my reading list is: The Healthy Pastor. Easing the pressures of Ministry by Dennis Bickers and The Power=Based Life - Mike Flynt (The last one was given to me to review and blog about from Thomas Nelson publishers). A good leader is a reader. Keep reading.


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