Sometimes Justice is messed up.

So Brett Favre gets $50 000 fine for not cooperating what could of been a sexual harassment suit. A wife gets 7 months for killing her preacher, husband.
And yet people want someone executed (who was jailed for over 2yrs) for dog fighting?

And Two sisters
have been in jail for over 16yrs for stealing $11.

Now I say all of that to say - YES Justice isn't fair. In fact God isn't fair. He isn't. We all deserve the penalty of death, and to go to hell. The fact that God is perfect in His wrath, justice, and grace, love, mercy and forgiveness is why we needed Jesus.  Jesus - that's justice messed up. Getting something we don't deserve to help please justice. So what's why there is Grace. Aren't you thankful for that?


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