Ten Reasons Why the Church of Christ is Worth Investigating

 1. You can read about it in the Bible. Romans 16:16

2. It has no Creed but Christ, hinds on no name on its members but Christ. Acts 11:26 1 Peter 4:16

3. It speaks where the Bible speaks, is silent where the Bible is silent. 1 Peter 4:11

4. It exalts Christ as the only head of the church. Col. 1:18

5. Its acts of worship are patterned after the New Testament. John 4:24

6. It teaches that spiritual unity can be attained on all disputed doctrinal questions. - 1 Corinthians 1:10

7. The church of Christ pleads for unity of all believers of Christ. John 17:20

8. It is not a denomination nor a group of denominations but the body of Christ. - Col.1:18. Its founder is Christ himself. Matt.16:18

9. Its aim - to save souls by preaching the gospel, teach godly living, and help all those in need. 1 Cor. 15:14

10. Its future - eternal glory with Christ. 1 Thess. 4:17


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