Sharing in Suffering

 Sharing in Suffering

1. Don't assume you know all the answers.

2. Avoid trite expressions. Don't say anything. Be there.

3. Don't remain impersonal & clinical. "Touch."

4. Don't assume punishment is suffering from God.


1. Identify with sufferer. Haven't been there yet,

2. Pray for self and sufferer first.

3. Be careful. Sympathetic listener,

4. Know when to remain silent.

How to be a Godly Sufferer

1. Don't demand a reason from God for suffering.

2. Don't withdraw indefinitely from others and God.

3. Don't expect others necessarily to understand your plight.

4. Don't doubt the Goodness and Faithfulness of God.


1. Accept God always is in control.

2. Enjoy God's Presence in the midst of suffering.

3. Realize that God knows the limits of your endurance.

4. Do Remember there may be heavenly purposes of which you know nothing.


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