Tuesday, January 05, 2021

Encouraging Words as We Start 2021


This past year stretched and challenged us. It taught us a lot about ourselves, one another, and God. It also displayed, perhaps more clearly than ever, the depravity of our world and the utter need for the ultimate healer, rescuer, and peacemaker: our Lord Jesus Christ. It is not guaranteed that this year will be easier, but we can rest assured that He has made us “for this very purpose” (v. 5). (2 Cor. 5) What awaits is something brand new and He will be with us all the way home.

The New Year offers each of us a fresh new start. Probably more than ever, you are longing for something new. Allow the Lord to show you which areas of your life need a new beginning and choose to begin each day in His Word.

We’re reminded to Fear Not! We may not know the future, but know WHO hold the Future.

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yadondachel said...
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