Tuesday, August 25, 2020


A woman was driving her car on the freeway got cut off by another driver almost forcing her into a bad wreck. She was so angered by the near miss that she pulled behind the other car, sent an obscene gesture flying his way, sat on the horn, and screamed at the poor fellow. As you can imagine, this caused quite a scene. The police were called, and she was taken into custody for auto theft, booked, and her belongings were put into a plastic bag. A few hours later, the police officers apologized to her for the mistake and indicated she was free to go. She shot back, “so, why did you arrest me?” The reply: “Well, I saw the fish symbol on the bumper of your car and a “What would Jesus Do?” sticker, and I just assumed you stole the car!” Ouch. – adapted from Dr. James Merritt, Cross Point Church. GA May our behavior and example match up to that of being a Christian.

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