Thursday, July 16, 2020

Statues, Name Changes, Controversy - Oh My!

So in my community there has been lots of controversy. It almost takes a history lesson to share how this came to be. Short version: History of America and the status of our culture came to ahead. I live in Virginia. Near what some call the Capital of the Confederacy. Others - "The Lost Cause." There is a lot of tradition, pride, and southern heritage. Along with that hurt, healing, and "Racism." Social justice, civil right issues, and a deep divide between politics, people, and heart issues. If I was to sum it up people are divided over statues, names that convey what has been Racial overtones. For more see this Story

So the statutes of leaders of the Civil War on Monument Avenue and areas have come down. In my community there are 2 schools named after Confederate Leaders (other schools and names in the area as well - did I mention I live in Virginia and you can't go anywhere without some area having history of the Civil War here?)Lee-Davis High and Stonewall Jackson Middle school.

Recently our school board (having a lawsuit dismissed earlier this year to force to change the names) voted to change the names of the schools by a marrow vote of 4-3. Hanover County seems divided over this. People are thinking back to when they went to school there, or their grandkids etc. I understand. There is the Financial consideration, political, and cultural. In a lot of ways I'd like to just move forward. I have one daughter that just graduated from LD and 2 children attending the school no matter what they name it.

(Several good suggestions I've heard - Mechanicsville High, Bell Creek Middle etc and some good suggestions of mascots too). The Big Thing it how can we move on as a community. I've been reading online and there tends to be a dividing issue. Which it should not be.

Here is one thing people need to be: Civil. Agree to disagree. Recognize the other side. Did people take pride in tradition, history, and heritage ? Sure. Is it really erasing history? No. Are the names offensive and meant to be racist? you bet. (People who attended the schools might not of thought it that way but the minorities that went did did and were silenced). Do we need to be calling each other names? (Snow flakes, uncaring, racists etc) No. What does that achieve? What are we back in Middle School?

Someone once reminded me to "Choose your battles wisely." Love one another. Love your enemy. Love your neighbor as yourself. If this community (which I love, and minister in) is to move forward ... we have to find a way to come together and embrace change - even if we don't like it. I find Joy that maybe this might be put behind us but recognize this doesn't solve Racism or society's woes. A name change doesn't do that. It is only a step.

There is more history, divide, and controversy here than a name change or politics or government to be the answer. I find that answer, and Hope only in Jesus.

As a minister, I see people hurting. Lives needing to be mended. They say time heals. I hope so.

May we change people one life at a time.

BTW I'm thinking of a few names (Since they don't name after individuals - mostly areas.) 360 high, Turnpike High, West Store, Studley.

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